Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yea or Nay?

Yea or Nay? That was what Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, voted "nay" on the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the new Secretary of State. This dampened the Inauguration festivities a bit for Senator Clinton as she would later learn of six swearing ins of the Obama cabinet. Senator Clinton was informed that she would have to wait to be confirmed. A Cornyn's spokesman said that the Senator was not interesting in blocking the nomination process but was wanting a more in-depth debate over the donation issue. According to reports the issue at hand, "is whether Clinton's charity would create a conflict of interest with foreign governments." Of course the investigation is more focused on Senator Clinton's husband former President Bill Clinton and his current fund raising methods. It is believed that the former President may hamper his wife's chances of becoming Secretary of State. For this and further news please go to, or

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