Friday, August 31, 2012

Joy Ride

Two Indiana teens decided to strike out on their own.  To find "new lives" with the help of a borrowed Mercedes.  But this was no joy ride.  Both of their disappearances sparked a frantic search by family members after parents located a new that stated they were both "sorry" and had taken the vehicle to undisclosed location.

According to reports, "The parents of Jordan Webb, 16, and Levi "David" Briggs, 15, confirmed to ABC News affiliate WRTV that the boys were found in Loma, Colorado, today, where they were staying at the home of a friend they had met at camp.  The boys traveled more than 1,000 miles after leaving their homes in Avon, Indiana, on Saturday morning.  "This is amazing news and we are so thankful for everyone that has helped!" read a post no Facebook page set up by the boys' families.  "We could not have done this without the help of family/friends and social media! This is the biggest relief of our lives."

Police Chief of Avon, Jack Miller, told the press "One of the unique things about this is that these kids come from good homes with loving parents, they mention in their notes that they love their parents, they were good in school, popular, there were no red flags.  The boys each left a note and the notes basically said the same thing, that they were going to take this opportunity to strike out on their own."

Striking out on their own certainly has gotten Jordan and Levi quite a bit of attention both locally and nationally.  The case of the two missing "joy riding" teens out to make new lives for themselves has also brought attention to the purpose of social media and the role it might play in finding other missing or run away  children in the future.  For this and other news please go to the following link:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy116th Birthday!

Bessie Cooper has seen a lot in her life.  Born in 1896 she has witnessed the turn of not one, but two centuries.  At 116 years old she is officially the oldest person in the world.

Mrs. Bessie Cooper, 116 Years Old
Good Morning America covered Mrs. Cooper's celebration and according to their report, "In honor of Cooper's achievement, a bridge was named after her in Monroe, Ga., where she lives by the Walton County Board of Commissioners, according to the Walton Tribune.  A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Friday, August 24 for the bridge opening.  "The older she has gotten the more wittier she has gotten," her son, Sidney Cooper, told the Walton Tribune.  He also related a message from Cooper, who was unable to attend the ceremony, who said, "I'm glad I gave them a reason to name it."

Cooper was named the oldest person in the world by Guinness World Book of Records back in January 2011 but briefly lost the title when a woman in Brazil was discovered to be 48 days older.  Since then she has reclaimed her title and instead of 116 individual candles on her birthday cake, the number signifies her intention of having a very happy birthday.  For more on this story please go to:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

"One Giant Leap..."

Neil Armstrong 1930-2012
Most of my generation remembers learning about Neil Armstrong while sitting in a science classroom.  But for the majority of Americans they still remember the day we, the United States, put a man on the moon.  It's our parents generation that recalls watching Kennedy declare that our nation would have a man on the moon by the end of the decade (i.e. 1960s).

It's moments like these, historical moments, that not only change lives but define a generation.  So it is with a heartfelt sincerity that our nation says good bye to one of our most prominent figures.  Neil Armstrong passed away at the age of 82.

According to reports Armstrong was, "A man who kept away from cameras, Armstrong went public in 2010 with his concerns about President Barack Obama's space policy that shifted attention away from a return to the moon and emphasized private companies developing spaceships.  He testified before Congress and in an email to The Associated Press, Armstrong said he had "substantial reservations," and along with more than two dozen Apollo-era veterans, he signed a letter calling the plan a "misguided proposal that forces NASA out of the human space operations for the foreseeable future."

Besides his love of the Apollo program and NASA, Armstrong will be best known for the one phrase that reached out and touched millions of Americans in July of 1969.  "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."  My condolences to Mr. Armstrong's family and friends.  May you know that he is watching you, even now, from his place among the stars.  For more about Neil Armstrong please go to the following website:

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hostage Escapes Captors after 2 Years

Two years ago a teenage St. Louis girl went missing from her home.  Authorities reported Thursday afternoon that they had taken a 24-year-old man and his mother into custody after the girl managed to escape her captors and find help.  
Authorities taking 24-year-old suspect into custody
According to authorities, "They also recovered the teen's young child, which the girl said was the result of rape by her captor.  Washington Park Police Chief David Clark said they believe the man's mother aided the crimes.  Police would not identify either of them by name because they had not been charged as of early Friday.  Police in St. Louis, Mo., had listed the girl as missing or runaway juvenile in April 2012.  She was 15 when she disappeared."  
The teen told authorities that she was repeatedly beaten and sexually assaulted almost every day.  She was only able to escape after receiving assistance from a relative.  
Neighbor Lakeitha Smith, told several news reporters that she had seen the young woman on occasion and had witnessed her coming and going from the home.  "I used to see her come out of the house, back and forth," Smith said. "I didn't think she was being held hostage in the house."  To read more about this story or other news please go to:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"LL to the No!"

Rapper and television star LL Cool J is probably best known for the role he plays on CBS's NCIS: Los Angeles and for writing books like "LL Cool J's Platinum Workout" but he's also known for being a pretty tough guy as an unwelcome house guest learned on Wednesday.  
LL Cool Jay
According to reports, "Early Wednesday morning, LL Cool J busted a burglary suspect who had broken into his Los Angeles home.  The actor-rapper, whose real name is James Todd Smith, discovered the man just before 1 a.m., when the alarm system in his Studio City residence was tripped.  A scuffle ensued, but the "NCIS: Los Angeles" star-whose arms (and abs!) are legendary in Hollywood-took down the trespasser and detained him while one of his daughters called 911.  When officers arrived, they took the man-whose name has not been released-into custody.  The suspect, who will be arrested on suspicion of burglary, had minor bruises."  
LL Cool J himself was unharmed during the scuffle. A spokesman for the rapper/actor told Yahoo's OMG that LL and his family are safe and thank everyone for their concern stating, "As a father, husband, and citizen, he is committed to keeping his family safe and is cooperating with authorities on this private matter."  For more on this please go to the following website:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Director Tony Scott Dies at 68

The world awoke to the news of Director Tony Scott having passed away.  Scott was famous for movies such as Top Gun, Days of Thunder and television series like Numb3rs and The Good Wife.  The famous Director was 68 years old and had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer.

Director Tony Scott
According to reports, "Police said they received a 911 call at about 12:30 p.m. that an individual had jumped off the Vincent Thomas Bridge.  The body was recovered around 3 p.m., when it was identified by authorities as Scott, according to Lt. Joseph Bale of the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office.  An autopsy is scheduled to be performed today.  The Coronor's Office found several notes to loved ones in Scott's car, a spokesman told The Associated Press. A suicide note was later found at his office, according to the AP.  "I can confirm that Tony Scott has passed away.  The family asks that their privacy is respected at this time," Scott's spokesman, Simon Halls, said in a statement, according to the AP."

Several celebrities took to Twitter to provide Tony Scott's family with words of comfort and condolences. Ron Howard tweeted, "No more Tony Scott movies. Tragic day."  Film critic Richard Roeper also tweeted, "Most of the obits for Tony Scott will mention "Top Gun" first, but my favorite will always be "True Romance." RIP."  For more on this story please go to the following link:

If you feel someone you love may be exhibiting signs of depression please reach out, there is hope, there is help.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Johnson May Determine Outcome of 2012 Race

Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is looking to make his presence known in the upcoming 2012 Presidential election.  Even though Johnson might not clean up the race, votes for him could of course have a ripple effect on the Romney and Obama camps.

Former Gov. New Mexico Gary Johnson
According to reports, "The Libertarian Party is now touting that possibility.  An emailed statement from the organization earlier this week carried a rather sensational subject line: "Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gov. Gary Johnson Could Deprive Mitt Romney of 5 battleground states, 74 Electoral Votes, 27% of the Electoral Votes needed to win in 2012."  Libertarians reasoned Johnson, then, "could determine the winner" of the election."

The most famous third party candidate?  Ross Perot of 1992 who won approximately 19% of the vote.  It will be interesting to see the reaction from both political parties if Johnson in fact does throw his hat into the ring.  For this and more news please go to the following website:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

All Secure

A D.C. security guard has been given credit for stopping an attack by a gunman that could have left several wounded or dead. 

According to reports, "the shooting Wednesday morning at the downtown Washington headquarters of the Family Research Council left only one person injured: the security guard.  And after being struck in the arm, he helped wrestle the gunman to the floor, thwarting an attack that police fear could have turned deadly.  "The security guard here is a hero, in my opinion," D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said of Leo Johnson, who was conscious and in stable condition at an area hospital after the shooting."  

The suspect,  Floyd Lee Corkins II 28-years-old from Herndon, Virginia.  Authorities have not yet released a motive for the shooting. Corkins is not a member of the Air Force but reports state that he has lived at Andrews Air Force base in some other capacity. The Family Research center is compromised of "faith, family and freedom in public policy and public opinion."  The group maintains a powerful lobbing present on those causes, testifying before Congress and reviewing legislation.  Its president, Tony Perkins, said the group's main concern was with the wounded guard."  

For more information on this story please go to the following website:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Power Ticket

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced today that his running mate for the 2012 election will be none other than the House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan.  Romney made the announcement in Norfolk, Virginia.  It is no secret that Paul Ryan, a native of Wisconsin, is infamous for going toe-to-toe with several House Representatives and other committees over the budget and economic status of the nation.

Paul Ryan (left) and Presidential Candidate Romney (right)
According to reports, "A senior Romney aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Yahoo News that Romney made his decision to pick Ryan on Aug. 1-the day after he returned from an overseas trip to Europe and the Middle East.  Romney called Ryan that same day and arranged a meeting-though aides did not say when that meeting took place.  Both sides kept the secret for more than a week.  Romney and Ryan, a seven-term member of Congress, became close during the run-up to April's Wisconsin primary, when the two campaigned together for nearly a week.  Ryan, a star of the conservative movement, sometimes overshadowed Romney on the stump-but the candidate did not seem to mind.  Reporters quickly noted a buddy "bromance" between the two men, a description Romney aides did not discourage."

In speak with the American people and the press Ryan stated, "I represent a part of America that includes inner cities, rural areas, suburbs and factory towns.  Over the years i Have seen and heard from a lot of families, from those running small businesses, and from people who are in need.  But what I have heard lately troubles me the most.  There is something different in their voice and in their words.  What I hear from them are diminished dreams, lowered expectations uncertain futures."

Critics disagree believing that Ryan's current popularity with the opposition is near nonexistent and believes he could be a problem when trying to unite the country and finding a middle ground for the nations current economic status.  Conservatives confirm however, that this is a power ticket and many more agree.  For more on Romney's Vice Presidential candidate please go to the following link below.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Attention Getter

Imagine driving down the highway on your way to work and seeing this attention getting site through your windshield.  A dummy hanging, by its neck, from a bill board sign that reads: "Hope Your Happy Wall St."

According to reports, "Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremie Elliott said the agency began receiving reports of the black billboard with white lettering along Interstate 15 near Bonanza Road at about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday.  Elliott told the Associated Press the billboard appears to be a publicity stunt and it's unclear who's responsible.  The billboard space appears to belong to Lamar Advertising, reports.  Representatives from the company said the billboard was an act of vandalism."

Regardless if it was an intentional post or vandalism the sign got the attention of countless commuters early this morning. A second billboard was also reported to authorities, and if there is an investigation it will be handled by the Las Vegas Metro Police.  To learn more about the incident please go to the following website:

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Held Hostage

Allyson Taylor, 18, came to work on Sunday at a local sporting goods store in Yuab, California with the intention of greeting customers and doing her job.  But she did not plan on talking her way out of a very dangerous hostage situation.
Allyson Taylor, 18
The 18 year old was held hostage at gun point by 29 year old Juan Carlos Alvarez.  Alvarez eventually surrendered to police on Sunday after his attempt to rob the Big 5 Sporting Goods store.  According to reports, "Cops say that Taylor opened up a dialogue with her captor, which eventually led to a peaceful end to the standoff.  "She knew when to push, she knew when to let him be.  You can't help but thank her enough and be in awe of that young girl," said Shawna Pavey, operations support manage of the Yuba City Police Department."
Officials were worried that the situation could easily escalate due to the the store also carrying extra rounds of ammunition.  Taylor told authorities that she knew, "He didn't want to die that day. He wanted to be able to see his daughter again and so I knew that… as long as, 'You don't hurt me you can see your daughter again.He lifted up his shirt, pulled the gun out, I believe the back of his pants, and immediately pointed at me," Taylor said. "I just freaked out and then he raised the gun and let out a shot to the ceiling."  
Thankfully for Taylor the manager stayed behind after the gunman had ordered everyone else out of the store and called 9-1-1.  Alvarez attempted to get Taylor to break into the stores safe so that he could have the money.  Taylor knew her only hope of surviving the ordeal was to connect with her captor and face him, creating a dialogue between them.  In the end it paid off.  Alvarez surrendered at 3pm to local authorities.  To read more about this story please go to the link below.  

Monday, August 06, 2012


So how much do you think it would cost to buy a complete county worth of foreclosed homes, plus pay off the back taxes?  Well one millionaire found out.

Bill McMachen 
According to reports, "Bill McMachen, a businessman and former yacht dealer, paid about $4.8 billion for all 650 tax foreclosed properties at Macomb County's July 31 sale."  McMachen told MyFoxDetriot, "I got a deal nobody else could have got.  I paid all the back taxes that was due and that's what the county wanted."

McMachen decided to go into the real estate business and scooped up the properties at a July auction in the county.  Other bidders were a bit confused after making time to attend the sale of the properties only to watch them disappear in a matter of minutes.  One Canadian businessman said his company was prepared to offer a much higher price for the properties but was never given the opportunity.

The new owners of the properties told reporters that he was willing to sale the homes back to individuals who were interested at near auction prices.  For more on this story please go to the following website below.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Fall from Grace

For 50 years Americans have known the best film in history to be none other than "Citizen Kane".  So what does it take for a film so revered as number 1 to fall from grace?  Here's a hint: "Good evening". That's right,  Alfred Hitchcock.

James Steward & Kim Novak in Vertigo
The master of suspense and thrills himself edged out Citizen Kane for first place.  According to Yahoo: "Made in 1958, the psychological suspense drama first entered the Sight & South poll in 1982 in seventh place--two years after its director died.  Largely ignored by the critics for most of his career, its rise in the poll is testament to how Hitchcock's reputation has steadily increased over time.  Starring Kim Novak and James Stewart, Vertigo trumped Citizen Kane by 34 votes this time around; it was five votes shy of Kane 10 years ago."

Hitchcock is also famous for films such as The Birds, Psycho and The Trouble with Harry.  This blogger's personal favorite and recommendation, Rope, also starring James Stewart, is a true nail bitter.  For more on the Sight & Sound poll please go to the following link below.