Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Held Hostage

Allyson Taylor, 18, came to work on Sunday at a local sporting goods store in Yuab, California with the intention of greeting customers and doing her job.  But she did not plan on talking her way out of a very dangerous hostage situation.
Allyson Taylor, 18
The 18 year old was held hostage at gun point by 29 year old Juan Carlos Alvarez.  Alvarez eventually surrendered to police on Sunday after his attempt to rob the Big 5 Sporting Goods store.  According to reports, "Cops say that Taylor opened up a dialogue with her captor, which eventually led to a peaceful end to the standoff.  "She knew when to push, she knew when to let him be.  You can't help but thank her enough and be in awe of that young girl," said Shawna Pavey, operations support manage of the Yuba City Police Department."
Officials were worried that the situation could easily escalate due to the the store also carrying extra rounds of ammunition.  Taylor told authorities that she knew, "He didn't want to die that day. He wanted to be able to see his daughter again and so I knew that… as long as, 'You don't hurt me you can see your daughter again.He lifted up his shirt, pulled the gun out, I believe the back of his pants, and immediately pointed at me," Taylor said. "I just freaked out and then he raised the gun and let out a shot to the ceiling."  
Thankfully for Taylor the manager stayed behind after the gunman had ordered everyone else out of the store and called 9-1-1.  Alvarez attempted to get Taylor to break into the stores safe so that he could have the money.  Taylor knew her only hope of surviving the ordeal was to connect with her captor and face him, creating a dialogue between them.  In the end it paid off.  Alvarez surrendered at 3pm to local authorities.  To read more about this story please go to the link below.  

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