Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"LL to the No!"

Rapper and television star LL Cool J is probably best known for the role he plays on CBS's NCIS: Los Angeles and for writing books like "LL Cool J's Platinum Workout" but he's also known for being a pretty tough guy as an unwelcome house guest learned on Wednesday.  
LL Cool Jay
According to reports, "Early Wednesday morning, LL Cool J busted a burglary suspect who had broken into his Los Angeles home.  The actor-rapper, whose real name is James Todd Smith, discovered the man just before 1 a.m., when the alarm system in his Studio City residence was tripped.  A scuffle ensued, but the "NCIS: Los Angeles" star-whose arms (and abs!) are legendary in Hollywood-took down the trespasser and detained him while one of his daughters called 911.  When officers arrived, they took the man-whose name has not been released-into custody.  The suspect, who will be arrested on suspicion of burglary, had minor bruises."  
LL Cool J himself was unharmed during the scuffle. A spokesman for the rapper/actor told Yahoo's OMG that LL and his family are safe and thank everyone for their concern stating, "As a father, husband, and citizen, he is committed to keeping his family safe and is cooperating with authorities on this private matter."  For more on this please go to the following website:

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