Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Attention Getter

Imagine driving down the highway on your way to work and seeing this attention getting site through your windshield.  A dummy hanging, by its neck, from a bill board sign that reads: "Hope Your Happy Wall St."

According to reports, "Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremie Elliott said the agency began receiving reports of the black billboard with white lettering along Interstate 15 near Bonanza Road at about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday.  Elliott told the Associated Press the billboard appears to be a publicity stunt and it's unclear who's responsible.  The billboard space appears to belong to Lamar Advertising, reports.  Representatives from the company said the billboard was an act of vandalism."

Regardless if it was an intentional post or vandalism the sign got the attention of countless commuters early this morning. A second billboard was also reported to authorities, and if there is an investigation it will be handled by the Las Vegas Metro Police.  To learn more about the incident please go to the following website:

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