Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"No Soup for You!"

I am certain we all remember the infamous Soup Nazi's phrase "no soup for you!" from Jerry Seinfeld's show in the '90s. Well imagine a state worker telling your child "no homemade lunch for you!" A Hoke County pre-schooler was offered chicken nuggets for their lunch as opposed to the homemade lunch prepared for them that consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich a banana, apple juice and potato chips. According to a report by the Carolina Journal the lunch, “did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines," and "When home-packed lunches do not include all of the required items, child care providers must supplement them with the missing ones." The mother received a bill for $1.25, the cost of a lunch tray from which her daughter only ate 3 chicken nuggets that were used a substitute. The mother, as any parent would be, is deeply concerned that the worker told her child that they were not packing their lunch properly. For this and more information please go to, or

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