Monday, February 06, 2012

Up in Smoke

In 2009 Susan Powell went missing from her West Valley City home in Utah leaving behind her two young children, Charles and Branden. Powell's husband Josh has been under suspicion for her 2009 disappearance and authorities have recently learned that Charles and his younger brother Branden were beginning to talk about what happened the night their mother vanished. A month after Susan's disappearance authorities spent 12 days searching the vast Utah dessert for any trace of the young wife and mother. Josh Powell however, maintained his innocence stating that "for those who know me, they know I could never hurt Susan." In the late hours of February 5th Josh Powell lit his home on fire, killing both himself and his two children. Powell e-mailed his attorney just before ending his life that simply stated "I'm sorry, goodbye." Powell was denied custody and ordered to undergo a psycho-sexual evaluation by the courts. Custody of the boys were given to Susan's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox. Authorities involved with the investigation of Susan Powell's disappearence and now her husbands murder-suicide, continue to search for answers. For this and other news please go to,, or

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