Tuesday, February 07, 2012

You're Fired!

In light of reports of sexual abuse by Miramonte School in Los Angeles by two deviant teachers the elementary school has decided to remove the entire staff amid the scandal. According to news reports "a tense meeting Monday night between Los Angeles school officials and parents resulted in the temporary removal of all teachers and staff from the Miramonte School where two teachers have been removed and jailed in recent days for allegedly sexually abusing students." All students are home and not required to return to classes until Thursday. The Superintendent of Miramonte School's stated that their current action was to help the children and their parents to feel safter in the school and to also learn of other possible offenses. "Some might see this as an extreme measure but this is an extreme circumstance," Superintendent John Deasy wrote in a letter to school workers last night. "I need to take action within the scope of what I can control. This is it." For more information this story please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com or www.msnbc.com.

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