Thursday, February 09, 2012


The phrase "my bad" has a whole new meaning to some 300 applicants of the federal fellows program. After having applied for the prestigious program that helps educate and provide opportunities for future leaders of government, the 300 hopeful applicants each received an e-mail of acceptance by mistake.

One applicant, initially having been very upset over the mix up, told Fox News " I may have dodged a bullet, because this incident really highlights the incompetence, inefficiency, disorganization and lack of accountability of the PMF program.” The mix up, one very similar to the one Vaser College made last month by sending out dozens of acceptance letters to prospective students who had actually been declined entry, has left a bitter taste in the mouths of recipients of this e-mail. Angela Bailey, PMF's assistant director of employee services said in a statement to the public, "Within minutes, we realized some semi-finalists received erroneous notifications. The PMF Program Office immediately stopped the notifications and investigated the problem.” For this and more news please go to, or To read more of the article on PMF go to the link below.

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