Sunday, January 27, 2008

S.C. for Obama

In South Carolina's Democratic Primary it was not Senator Clinton who swept through the state taking a whopping 55% of the vote but instead it was her rival Obama. That's right Barack Obama has South Carolina on his side. During his speech Saturday night the possible Democratic front-runner for the 2008 Presidential election said, "What we’ve seen in these last weeks is that we’re also up against forces that are not the fault of any one campaign, but feed the habits that prevent us from being who we want to be as a nation." It's now onward to Super Tuesday to see if Obama can pull off yet another win against the Clinton camp. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger found Dead

28-year-old Heath Ledger was found dead today in his Manhattan residence. According to reports Ledgers room was strewn with pills and it looks to be a drug related death. At 28 Ledger had already made a name for himself in Hollywood doing movies such as Casanova, The Patriot, Broke Back Mountain and this summer's up-coming sequel to the first Batman movie titled THE DARK KNIGHT in which he was to play the infamous Joker. For this and more news please go to or

End of the Road

For Fred Thompson, former Tennessee senator and television star of Law and Order, today was the end of the road. Thompson announced this morning that he was withdrawing his name from the 2008 Presidential race, but he added that he and his wife were very grateful to all the support they had along the way. Thompson's withdrawal comes as a result of placing third in South Carolina and not winning any of the other three caucuses or primaries in the race. For this and other news on the Presidential race please go to or

Monday, January 21, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday!

In less than a week the Super Bowl will kick off with the New England Patriots and the New York Giants battling it out for a win. If the Patriots go on to win February 3rd then their season will be complete with a perfect score. Last night the Giants beat out the Packers for the spot winning 23-20. It was a tight game for most of the 2nd-4th quarters. The Packers won the half time coin toss but unfortunately blew their shot at redemption. For this and other sports news please go to

Martin Luther King Jr.

Most of my generation was not born during the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movements which took place. But the one thing I will tell you is that the we can all thank Martin Luther King Jr. for is a voice. He gave a voice to those who had not had one in this country for several decades, even centuries. His "I Have a Dream" speech inspired millions and brought about the Civil Rights Act which President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law. And although historians argue and debate today about Kings message being lost among that single speech, arguing that children only remember him because of it we all still remember him for his courage, his faith, and his leadership in what was one of our nation's hardest moments in history. For this and other news please go to or

Sunday, January 20, 2008

SuperBowl 42 Looming

Everyone is counting down tonight for Super Bowl 42 on February 3. Just a moment ago the New England Patriots swept away the San Diego Chargers with a 21-12 win and are headed back to the Super Bowl one more time. The Patriots year was off to a rocky start with being caught cheating but Tom Brady and his pack proved that the Patriots did not need to cheat in order to win. Now it is up to the New York Giants and the Green Bay Packers to decide who will be taking on the Patriots in Super Bowl 42 as it looms. For this and other news please go to, or

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Like.....MITT!

Mitt Romney surges ahead in the polls in of Nevada winning the primary there with 44% of the vote. Competitors Ron Paul and John McCain tied for votes with 15% while Mike Huckabee came in 4th place with 8%. According to Mitt Romney, "Today, the people of Nevada voted for change in Washington. For far too long, our leaders have promised to take the action necessary to build a stronger America, and still the people of Nevada and all across this country are waiting. Whether it is reforming health care, making America energy independent or securing the border, the American people have been promised much and are now ready for change." Meanwhile back in South Carolina McCain and Huckabee are in a dead heat. Will Romney surprise everyone in S.C.? For updates on the campaign trail and other news please go to or

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mother of 2 Abducted from Home

In North Port, Florida authorites are looking for a 21-year-old mother of two who was apparently abducted from her own home. Denise Amber Lee has been missing from her home since Thursday. Authorites have reported arresting a 37-year-old man in the case which they believe snatched Lee from her home. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Anyones Guess

After the Michigan Primary it is clearly anyone's guess who will get the GOP nomination. Clinton once again took the lead over Obama but Mitt Romney shook up the state when he walked away with a sound 42% of the vote with Huckabee not far behind. Prior to any predictions made before yesterdays Michigan primary McCain slipped into third place while Ron Paul and former New York Mayor Giuliani hardly made a bleep on the radar of Michigan voters. Now it's off to South Carolina once again as all the candidates prepare for yet another primary. For this and other news on the primaries please go to, or

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


On this day in 1967 the first Super Bowl aired. The Green Bay Packers faced off against the Kansas City Chiefs and played to a crowd of 61,946 at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Green Bay took the first trophy defeating the Chiefs 35-10. Along with the trophy the Packers also collected $15,000, the largest single-game share in the history of team sports. For this and other events that took place this day in history please go to

Monday, January 14, 2008

Maria Frances Lauterbach, 20, and pregnant was found buried late last week in the backyard of a military colleague Cpl. Cesar A. Laurean, 21. Authorities are now searching for Laurean for the murder of both Maria and her unborn child. A $25,000 reward has been offered in the capture of Laurean. According to, "Lauterbach disappeared sometime after Dec. 14, not long after she met with military prosecutors to talk about her April allegation that Laurean raped her." Detectives believe that Laurean might have fled to Jacksonville, FL early Friday morning. For this and other news please go to, or

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Close is Too Close?

South Carolina heats up for the second of the Presidential Primaries. Tuesday night will be the beginning or the end for some candidates meanwhile the others will press on in Michigan where Mitt Romney has already set his sights for the GOP. Despite his lead in Michigan Romney faces the fact that Huckabee and McCain are catching up to him in the polls there. Romney had an early start in the polls and focused campaign advertisement on South Carolina and Florida early on however, Huckabee and McCain are not sticking around in S.C. They have both turned their attention towards Michigan. On the Democrats side Hillary Clinton might have taken New Hampshire by storm but her Senior Adviser was arrested on January 8th and charged with a DWI. The adviser was said to be driving forty miles over the thirty mile an hour speed limit. In the mean time though it appears that Dennis Kucinich won and New Hampshire will conduct a re-count of the Presidential Primary there. The candidates will be expected to pay a $2,000 fine in order to get the counting under way. So how close is too close? This may be the closest Presidential race yet and November is 294 more days away and counting. For this and other news please go to, or

Monday, January 07, 2008

Burned Out Britney

Taking a break from the usual political news there is another story that hit the twenty-four hour news channels and to no one's immediate surprise it was all about the pop diva Britney Spears. Spears was taken from her home on Thursday evening in an ambulance to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre and access to her two children was immediately stripped. According to reports Spears appeared dazed and confused as she was rolled out of the ambulance and into the hospital. After the ordeal Spears was placed in the care of medical professionals for a total of seventy two hours. Today she was released from the hospital and will be returning to court to fight for custody/visitation rights with her children who are with her ex K-Fed. According to the Telegraph, a U.K. online news source "The singer had limited access to Sean Preston, two, and Jayden James, one, because of her alcohol and drugs problems. She reportedly refused to hand over Jayden to her former husband and barricaded herself inside a room." But despite all of her hardships the past several months there is a bit of good news for Britney. Her single "Piece of Me" has hit it big in England. For this and other news please go to,, or

Friday, January 04, 2008

And the Winners Are.....

It's official, the Iowa caucus is over and the votes have been casted for the Democrat and Republican they believe will run for the 2008 Presidential Election. With an outstanding 38% Barack Obama won the Iowa caucus for the Democrats. Everyone's anticipated favorite however, Hillary Clinton came in third with 29%. John Edwards managed to pull into second place with just a point more than Clinton at 30%. For the Republican side there was speculation that Huckabee's trip to the Jay Leno Show would harm, rather than help, his campaign in Iowa. However, Huckabee pulled ahead of Mitt Romney with 34%. Mitt Romney managed to come in second place with 25% over Fred Thompson and John McCain who both received 13% of the votes. For this and other news on the Iowa caucus and the up-coming New Hampshire primaries please go to or

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Down to the Wire

As we ring in the New Year we ring in the beginning of the Presidential caucus, the primaries, and finally the 2008 Election. Iowa is counting down today as the rest of the country watches on their television sets or tunes in via the world wide web. For the Democrats running for a shot at the Oval Office in '08 the Iowa caucus has become a three way making it possible for anyone to pull ahead at the last minute. Clinton, Obama, and Edwards are in a dead heat for the lead. On the Republican side Mike Huckabee has pulled ahead of his competitor Mitt Romney with a 29% lead against Romney's 28%. It is estimated that this year the Iowa caucus will contain between 120,000 to 150,000 people voting. Whatever the outcome today it is certainly down to the wire as we take a second a realize that November is only a mere nine months away.