Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Like.....MITT!

Mitt Romney surges ahead in the polls in of Nevada winning the primary there with 44% of the vote. Competitors Ron Paul and John McCain tied for votes with 15% while Mike Huckabee came in 4th place with 8%. According to Mitt Romney, "Today, the people of Nevada voted for change in Washington. For far too long, our leaders have promised to take the action necessary to build a stronger America, and still the people of Nevada and all across this country are waiting. Whether it is reforming health care, making America energy independent or securing the border, the American people have been promised much and are now ready for change." Meanwhile back in South Carolina McCain and Huckabee are in a dead heat. Will Romney surprise everyone in S.C.? For updates on the campaign trail and other news please go to or

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