Friday, January 04, 2008

And the Winners Are.....

It's official, the Iowa caucus is over and the votes have been casted for the Democrat and Republican they believe will run for the 2008 Presidential Election. With an outstanding 38% Barack Obama won the Iowa caucus for the Democrats. Everyone's anticipated favorite however, Hillary Clinton came in third with 29%. John Edwards managed to pull into second place with just a point more than Clinton at 30%. For the Republican side there was speculation that Huckabee's trip to the Jay Leno Show would harm, rather than help, his campaign in Iowa. However, Huckabee pulled ahead of Mitt Romney with 34%. Mitt Romney managed to come in second place with 25% over Fred Thompson and John McCain who both received 13% of the votes. For this and other news on the Iowa caucus and the up-coming New Hampshire primaries please go to or

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