Monday, January 07, 2008

Burned Out Britney

Taking a break from the usual political news there is another story that hit the twenty-four hour news channels and to no one's immediate surprise it was all about the pop diva Britney Spears. Spears was taken from her home on Thursday evening in an ambulance to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre and access to her two children was immediately stripped. According to reports Spears appeared dazed and confused as she was rolled out of the ambulance and into the hospital. After the ordeal Spears was placed in the care of medical professionals for a total of seventy two hours. Today she was released from the hospital and will be returning to court to fight for custody/visitation rights with her children who are with her ex K-Fed. According to the Telegraph, a U.K. online news source "The singer had limited access to Sean Preston, two, and Jayden James, one, because of her alcohol and drugs problems. She reportedly refused to hand over Jayden to her former husband and barricaded herself inside a room." But despite all of her hardships the past several months there is a bit of good news for Britney. Her single "Piece of Me" has hit it big in England. For this and other news please go to,, or

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