Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Close is Too Close?

South Carolina heats up for the second of the Presidential Primaries. Tuesday night will be the beginning or the end for some candidates meanwhile the others will press on in Michigan where Mitt Romney has already set his sights for the GOP. Despite his lead in Michigan Romney faces the fact that Huckabee and McCain are catching up to him in the polls there. Romney had an early start in the polls and focused campaign advertisement on South Carolina and Florida early on however, Huckabee and McCain are not sticking around in S.C. They have both turned their attention towards Michigan. On the Democrats side Hillary Clinton might have taken New Hampshire by storm but her Senior Adviser was arrested on January 8th and charged with a DWI. The adviser was said to be driving forty miles over the thirty mile an hour speed limit. In the mean time though it appears that Dennis Kucinich won and New Hampshire will conduct a re-count of the Presidential Primary there. The candidates will be expected to pay a $2,000 fine in order to get the counting under way. So how close is too close? This may be the closest Presidential race yet and November is 294 more days away and counting. For this and other news please go to, or

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