Thursday, January 03, 2008

Down to the Wire

As we ring in the New Year we ring in the beginning of the Presidential caucus, the primaries, and finally the 2008 Election. Iowa is counting down today as the rest of the country watches on their television sets or tunes in via the world wide web. For the Democrats running for a shot at the Oval Office in '08 the Iowa caucus has become a three way making it possible for anyone to pull ahead at the last minute. Clinton, Obama, and Edwards are in a dead heat for the lead. On the Republican side Mike Huckabee has pulled ahead of his competitor Mitt Romney with a 29% lead against Romney's 28%. It is estimated that this year the Iowa caucus will contain between 120,000 to 150,000 people voting. Whatever the outcome today it is certainly down to the wire as we take a second a realize that November is only a mere nine months away.

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