Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brittany Murphy Dies at 32

Hollywood starlet Brittany Murphy who is best known for her roles in movies like "Clueless" and "8 Mile" with rapper Eminem, was found dead in her Los Angles home Sunday. According to a coroner official the young actress died of what appeared to be natural causes. Other news outlets reported Murphy's death to have been caused by heart failure. Brittany Murphy was pronounced dead at 10:04 am at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. "An official cause of death may not be determined for some time, since toxicology tests will be required, but "it appears to be natural," Winter said. He said an autopsy was planned for Monday or Tuesday," says OMG on For this and other stories please go to,, or

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Going Rouge

Sarah Palin is blazing a new trail for herself and the GOP. After months of speculation as to why she stepped down as Governor of Alaska the answer was made clear yesterday as she gave her first interview to Oprah. Palin believes that by stepping down she has more power, time and the ability to speak her mind about issues that matter to the American people. In her new book, Going Rouge, Palin talks about her time in the McCain camp. Palin did not give up any details about whether or not she would be running for President in 2012, instead she is focusing on the issues and her family life. For this and more information go to or

Friday, November 06, 2009

Fort Hood Devistated

Yesterday evening Fort Hood, Texas Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan unleashed a hail of gunfire that took the lives of 13 people and injured 30 more. According to reports the Major was about to deploy back to Iraq and was absolutely distraught about his deployment. Witnesses said they felt that Hasan was calm and further reports added taht Hasan had spent the days before giving away furniture from his own home. Authorities have searched Hasan's apartment and are also looking into the possibility that the gunman made several internet postigns about suicide bombers. For this and other news pelase go to or

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Yanking Our Chains

That's right folks its time for the World Series and Game 5 is up and going tonight and Game 6 has already been scheduled for Wednesday. So what's the score? In Game 1 the Phillies took the Yanks 6-1, Game 2 had Yankee's fans cheering louder than ever as they over powered the Phillies 3-1, Game 3 again saw the Yankee's come out the winners scoring 8 over the Phillies 5, Game 4 went to N.Y.C. again with a score of 7-3, and finally this evenings game went back to the city of brotherly love. Phillies 8 and New York close behind with 6.
For the first time since 2003 Game 6 will begin and Wednesday night Yankee Fans all over will be anxiously watching to see if their team brings home the 27th World Series trophy. But the Phillies aren't out yet. They too are keeping their eyes on the prize and could force a tie that would lead both teams in Game 7. A feat that has not happened since 2002. For this and more exciting sports updates please go to

A Change of Hands?

November 4th will be the one-year anniversary of President Obama's infamous win as he spread messages of Change and Hope throughout the country. However, one year later almost to the day, Virginians are singing a different tune. What was it that made voter turn out so strong? Which ad campaign successfully got its message out to the public? McDonnell, the Republican candidate for Governor of the state has been struggling for months and finally tonight has realized victory. But with one victory under its belt, does this spell a change of hands for the country's direction? As the GOP begins to rebuild its base from last November's Presidential election party members are also keeping a close eye on yet another state this evening. With the New Jersey Governorship up for grabs, the Republican Chris Christie is currently holding a three point lead over Democrat John Corzine. Corzine has had the Presidents support throughout much of his campaign. For this and other election news please go to or

Monday, September 14, 2009

Patrick Swayze Dies at 57

It seems that over the last few months we have said good bye to one too many of our childhood stars. First Farrah, the Charlies Angel who touched all our hearts with her tribute to her son, the love of her life and her friends with her candid documentary about her struggle with cancer.
Then Michael Jackson. A music legend who struggled with fame and was constantly in the spotlight or scrutinized or stalked by the tabloid media. Jackson died at the age of 50 and was laid to rest earlier this month.
However, today, we say good bye to yet another legend. Patrick Swayze who swept American teenage girls in the 80s off their feet with Dirty Dancing, and who spellbound audiences as he played in Ghost. Swayze, the current star of A&E's new series The Beast, passed away at the age of 57 after his 20 month long battle with Pancreatic cancer.
He was surrounded by family and friends according to his publicist Annett Wolf. Our thoughts are with the Swayze family and friends. For this and other information please go to,,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Heckled for Health Care

The man pictured above is non-other than Representative Joe Wilson from South Carolina. The Republican Rep is being reprimanded today for his comments during last nights televised speech given by President Obama to the joint session of congress and the American people. At one point during the Presidents speech he stated that the health care plan he was hoping to have pass would not include illegal immigrants. After the president said these defining words Rep. Wilson and other members of congress booed him. However, Wilson's remarks were the loudest as he called out "You lie!" It was clear that the words had stunned Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Joe Biden who took their seats just behind President Obama. For those Americans who did not get to witness the heckling over health care reform first hand, all the proper news affiliations certainly covered it this morning. Representative Wilson has issued an apology to the President saying that his statement was regrettable. However, most Americans applauded Wilson for speaking up while others believe his comments were disrespectful. Senator Lindsey Graham stated that Obama's speech was "At times, overly combative", and that she felt, "he behaved in a manner beneath the dignity of the office. I fear his speech tonight has made it more difficult — not less — to find common ground." The debate about health care reform still rages and as the President hopes for an agreement, one may be reached later rather than sooner as hoped. For this and other news please go to, or

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Kennedy Dies at 77

Senator Edward Kennedy passed away this morning after a year long battle with brain cancer. Kennedy was known as the "liberal lion" of the Senate and served for fifty years. In 1980 Kennedy attempted to run for the U.S. Presidency but lost. Kennedy survived his brothers John and Bobby to carry on his political career and head the Kennedy clan as the patriarch of the family. A statement released by his family read, "We've lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever," the statement said. "We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all." For this and other news please go to,, or

Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Cronkite Passes Away at 92

He was known as one of the greatest voices in American news broadcasting. Walter Cronkite, age 92, passed away this evening from cerebral vascular disease. Cronkite worked for CBS from 1962 to 1981 and became known as "The most trusted man in America." Over his long career as broadcaster Cronkite was also the first man behind a news desk to be called a newsanchor. The term has since stuck around and today many great newscasters such as Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings are referred to in the same light. According to CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie Moonves, "He was a great broadcaster and a gentleman whose experience, honesty, professionalism and style defined the role of anchor and commentator." Cronkite passed at his Manhattan home surrounded by family. For this and other news please go to or

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Palin Pulls Out

Is it the end of her political career, or is it the beginning of Palin's Presidential bid? Sarah Palin, the one time Vice Presidential candidate for John McCain during the 2008 election announced that she will be stepping down as Governor of Alaska later this month. Pailn has had her share of controversy's both publicly and privately since the election. For now it is unclear if the Governor will turn her her resignation into a bid for 2012 but whatever her plans Palin can rest assured that the GOP is watching. According to Representative John Culberson (R-Texas),"I know that liberals attack the most prominent and most likely Republican nominee, the more loudly liberals attack a potential Republican nominee, the more I think they're likely to be successful." While it is unconventional for Palin to resign in the middle of her first term of governor the party believes that her gambles have paid off in the past and that this one just might too. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sending Madoff Off

Ever heard the expression, "up the creek without a paddle"? Well by now Bernie Madoff should. Madoff, a confessed Ponzi-scammer was sentenced today to 150 years in prison. Madoff managed to swindle some of Hollywood's elite, A-listers and even famous novelists out of their billions. Sixty-five billion dollars to be exact. Madoff is seventy-one-years-old and according to the presiding judge, Denny Chin, none of Madoff's family members or friends offered a letter asking for leniency of the scammers sentence. For this and more information please go to or

Friday, June 26, 2009

King of Pop King of Debt?

Yesterday afternoon Michael Jackson was rushed to UCLA medical center in Los Angles. It was reported that Jackson had been in Los Angles to reherse for 50 upcoming shows that he was scheduled to hold in Britain as early as next month and parts of next year. Paramedics who responsded to the call entered his rental home and found the fifty-year-old pop singer unconscious and not breathing. After being admitted to the hospital TMZ reporters were told that Jackson was not fairing well. At three thirty in the afternoon, eastern time, News broke that Jackson had been pronounced dead. Michael Jackson leaves behind three children and two privious wives. Contraversy and mystery is surrounding the death of Jackson. According to reports, "The Los Angeles County Coroner's office said the autopsy would begin Friday morning, but it could take six to eight weeks to determine a cause of death, which will likely have to wait for the return of toxicology tests." Despite his death Jackson leaves behind $400 million in debt and at one point Jackson owed Bank of America nearly $270 million. The tour Jackson was reportedly suppose to hold in Britain starting July 8th of this year, is yet another expense. Tickets reportedly sold out on TickMaster and the tours were suppose to be Jackson's big come back before his sad and untimely passing. For this and more news please go to,,, or

Farrah Fawcett Passes After Battle with Cancer

For everyone who grew up in America during the 1970s Farrah Fawcett's name was synonymous with the television series Charlie Angels. The sixty-two-year-old mother of one son, and life long love of Ryan O' Neil, passed away yesterday June 25th after her long battle with cancer. Fawcett chronicled her illness with a recent documentary that detailed her diagnoses, her treatments and struggles with the disease. However, Fawcett's determination never ceased and it inspired a lot of people. The documentary touched many lives and many other families the world over who were/are going through the same trails and tribulations with cancer. Fawcett's son, Redmond, was unable to be released from prison to see his ailing mother before her death. Redmond has be incarcerated on drug charges. O' Neil stated in a recent 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters that he had asked Farrah to marry him, to which she had said yes. Sadly Farrah passed yesterday morning with her family, including her elderly father, by her side. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, June 22, 2009

Guilty Verdict = Probation

For Chris Brown and Rhianna, both pop singers and once long time couple, the wait is over. Brown, who faced charges of assault on the songstress Rhianna in his vehicle this past February, as pleaded guilty. According to reports, "Brown will be sentenced on Aug. 5, but the terms of the plea deal call for him to serve five years of formal probation and six months — roughly 1,400 hours — of community labor." Brown reportedly entered his plea before the preliminary. Rhianna in turn received a stay-away order from the judge after Brown had exited the court room. Both have been ordered to stay 50 feet from each other except at music events where they will be allowed to at least be 10 feet apart. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, June 15, 2009

Home Run

Sixteen-year-old Bryce Harper will be leaving his Las Vegas high school to attend a 2-year GED program at a community college in order to pursue his dream of becoming a major league baseball star. Harper, who appeared on the front of Sports Illustrated magazine, is extremely talented. So much so that newspapers, magazines and headlines around the world have given him the title "The Chosen One." While moves such as Harper's have raised eyebrows his father, Ron Harper, stated "People question your parenting and what you're doing. Honestly, we don't think it's that big a deal. He's not leaving school to go work in a fast-food restaurant. Bryce is a good kid. He's smart, and he's going to get his education." By dropping out of school this will make Bryce Harper eligable to be drafted in 2010. For his and other news please go to or

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Miss California 2009, Carrie Prejean, finally got the boot, by the Trump himself. Mr. Trump and pageant officials claim that her dismissal is not due to her previous comments about homosexual marriage, but instead that she breached her contract when she refused to attend certain events. According to news sources Trump provided this statement to Carrie, "I told Carrie she neededto get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California USA Organization and I gave her the opportunity to do so," Trump said in a statement. "Unfortunately it just doesn't look like it is going to happen." Tami Farrell, 24, the first runner up to be Miss California will be assuming the duties and responsibilities of Miss California in light of Carrie's dismissal. For this and other news please go to or

Museum Shooting

88-year-old James Vonn Brunn entered the Washington, D.C. Holocaust Museum this afternoon not as a visitor or tourist but as an angry World War II veteran known, via his personal website, to be anti-semetic. Brunn was arrested in 1983 for bringing a gun into the Federal Reserve building and was arrested and sentenced to four years in prisoin. Brunn was released in 1989. During his assault on security guards, tourists, and visitors of the museum this afternoon Brunn shot and killed a 39-year-old security guard. No tourists or visitors were injured. Police are currently investigating the shooting and the shooter more closely. For this and other news please go to, or

Monday, May 11, 2009

Live Long and Prosper

Star Treck hit it big at the box offices this weekend. Taking in $4 million alone during special midnight previews, the remake directed by J.J. Abrams brought in a whopping $76.5 million from Friday to Sunday. Abrams, who cast Heroes Zachary Quinto in the role of the half-human, half-Vulcan Spock was expecting the movie to only take in $50 million. However, Abrams credits the up beat reviews for the movies huge gains. Star Treck surpassed The Dark Knight which closed out its record breaking box office debut last summer with $6.3 million. Perhaps this calls for a sequal. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Claims 1st victim in the United States

On Monday, a twenty-three month old boy from Texas passed away from the recent outbreak of swine flu. Officials say that the family members of the deceased child have no symptoms of the illness. According to Fox News, "There are a total of 91 confirmed swine flu cases in the U.S., including Massachusetts, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Indiana and probable cases being reported in Illinois, Nebraska and Minnesota. South Carolina health officials have identified eight additional 'probable' cases of swine flu, bringing the total number to 10." For this and other news please go to or

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flu Season....Again?

While most Americans are looking forward to warm, summer weather, most are finding it difficult to escape a pesky winter virus. The flu. In 1918, during World War I our country saw an outbreak beyond proportion with simple influenza. The illness spread and broke out into a pandemic, which is classified as a spreading of an illness that affects large amounts of the population.
Today, at the start of the 21st Century there is a simple vaccination shot that each citizen of the United States can receive at the beginning of each winter season. However, recently a new form of the flu has spread. It has found its way to New York City and even Texas. According to reports, "The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that 40 people in five states have been sickened with swine flu."
Outside the country, in Mexico, a 149 people have died. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) are on high alert and the United Sates government had declared a public health emergency on Sunday according to reports. For this and other information please go to or

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lock Down

The White House went on lock down temporarily this morning. According to news reports, "A small, single-engine plane strayed into restricted air space near the U.S. Capitol on Friday, forcing anxious officials to place the White House in temporary lock down and take steps to evacuate the U.S. Capitol." The small plane was escorted to a nearby Maryland airport via F-14 and helicopter escorts. The crisis was over within minutes and the owner of the landing strip where the plane identified as a Cessna 180 landed said that it was all due to a GPS mistake. President Obama was believed to have been in the White House at the time, although reports have not confirmed the Presidents location. However, he did manage to keep to schedule making a 1:30pm appearance Diplomatic Reception Room to deliver an address on education. For this and other news please go to or

Over Kill

So how does someone survive being shot in the head with a nail gun at least 30 times? They don't. Such was the situation for Chen Liu from Sydney, Australia. The 27-year-old was found in the Georges River last November. According to news sources, "He was bound with electrical wires and an extension cord and the carpet was neatly folded with each end tucked in and then bound with three strips of wire." The nail gun used was high powered enough to drive nails as long as 85-mm. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Angels and Demons vs. The Press

Ron Howard might have scored it big with the Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks but Dan Brown's latest thriller movie Angels and Demons is stirring up quite the controversy of its own. Part of the controversy comes from New York Daily News reporter Bill Donahue who wrote that Angels and Demons did a good job of "smearing the Catholic Church with fabulously bogus tales." Howard responded by writing a statement that said, "And let me be a little controversial: I believe Catholics, including most in the hierarchy of the Church , will enjoy the movie for what it is: an exciting mystery, set in the awe-inspiring beauty of Rome." Despite the up roar and the controversal opinions of millions of movie-goers and critics about Howard's latest work, Dan Brown announced his follow up novel to the Da Vinci Code earlier this week. The Last Symbol will be released on September 15th. Angels and Demons will also star Tom Hanks and will be in theaters May 15th.

CraigsList Killer

Philip Markoff, age 22, has more to worry about these days other than wedding invitations and tuxedo rentals. On April 14th the medical lab technician at Boston University shot and killed 26-year-old Julissa Brisman of New York City in a Boston hotel. However, Markoff is also being charged with the April 10th kidnapping and armed robbery that took place at a different Boston hotel. According to reports from former high school classmates Markoff was a bully with a "hatred for people". His lab partner echoed this sediment saying that "He just wasn't right in the head, an I knew it, and probably other people did, too." Markoff would lure his victims to posh hotels within the city via the popular website Craigslist. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, April 20, 2009

Miss California Disses Perez Hilton

For viewers around the country last night the Miss USA competition was probably the most watched, especially after Miss California (photo above) answered Perez Hilton's question about legalizing same-sex marriage. Miss California politely replied that she believed marriage should be between a man a woman. This controversial statement had some Americans in the crowd cheering and others remaining silent, not knowing how to react. However, for standing her ground Americans should be proud. It is a difficult thing to do today, to go against the grind of the popular media in Hollywood. Besides Miss USA is supposed to be a role model not a politican. But rest assured, this being a free country and all, Perez Hilton had his say on his blog earlier today about how he believes she should not have won the coveted title. Miss North Carolina took home to the crown and will reign for a full year as Miss U.S.A. Congratulations to all those who competed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Natasha Richardson: Dies from Ski Injury

Natasha Richardson, the wife of actor Leiam Neeson and daughter of actress Vanessa Redgrave passed away yesterday from an injury that she received while skiing in Canada. Richardson who had fallen on the slopes was urged to see a doctor. After a few hours she complained of a serious headache and was admitted to the nearest medical care facility. She was transferred to New York where she received care until her passing. Ski resort officials tell press that the actress had no visible signs of significant head trauma but they did everything to aid her after the fall. It is reported that the, "The New York City medical examiner's office is performing an autopsy." Richardson and Neeson had been married since 1994 and have two children together, both boys. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Nadya Suleman, several photographers, jouranlists, neighbors and curious onlookers welcomed home two of the eight longest surviving octuplets yesterday. According to reports, "This is a happy moment for everyone — the family, physicians, nurses and entire NICU staff," said Dr. Mandhir Gupta, a neonatologist at the medical center. "It is always rewarding whenever a premature infant goes home as a healthy baby." Suleman will be raising all 14 of her children in her recently purchased four-bedroom, three-bath home in La Habra, about 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles. There is still backlash from Suleman's discision to have eight children on top of the six she was already caring for after the public learned she had little means of providing for her extended family. Some question Suleman's ability to provide the right amount of affection and attention to every one of her children. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

12 Dead in Alabama

12 dead after a shooting spree that lasted through two county's in Alabama. Michael McLendon's motive for the massacre that took the lives of innocent bystanders as well as his family members, is not known. McLendon reportedly killed his own mother, placed her on the sofa inside the house and lit her body on fire. According to reports, "The bloodshed, which spread across two counties and claimed 11 victims plus the gunman, began about 3:30 p.m. Tuesday when McLendon burned down the house he lived in with his mother in Kinston, Alabama." Joshua Myers, a deputy for one of the local sheriff's offices lost his wife and eighteen month old daughter in the attack. Myers' four year old daughter survived the shooting and underwent surgery to remove a piece of metal from her leg. She is in stable condition. Apparently police officials also noted that McLendon's car was well stocked with ammo and equipment to accompany his rampage. McLendon later took his own life. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, March 06, 2009

Economic Slump or Show Down?

Everyone is reading the headlines about unemployment, job losses, the governments recent billion dollar stimulus package, AIG's endless troubles and GM's doubtless hopes of succeeding for the future. Even this morning the nation is waking up to the new report that unemployment has risen, yet again, to 8.1%. Amidst all the speculations and the finger pointing there is one question that still looms.
Are we heading for another economic depression? A depression like the one's our grandparents saw in the 1930s? In 1980 our unemployment was about the same as it is today. Stocks were bad, as they are today, and a new President entered office, again just like today. So what is the difference? The difference is, from a historic point of view, that during the hardships of the Great Depression people stood in bread lines--NOT at job-markets or job-fairs. There were no jobs and no real hope, that is until FDR legislated the New Deal.
Pulling Americans up by their boot straps and working hard to construct projects such as the Blue Ridge Parkway via the Civilian Conservation Corps and local libraries and town businesses completed by the Works Progress Administration was exactly what the country needed. So if that is the case are we in line for a new New Deal? Honestly no one knows for sure but it is certain that needless spending and gloomy remarks from leaders in government are not what we need. And while there might be some truth to what they are saying, the truth is also that we are a nation of prosperous people. We are a nation of inventors and dream seekers and it's high time we started to pull ourselves up by the boot straps instead of asking big government to do it for us.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1 Dead 1 Found

Officials from a Washington state Army barracks are reporting a sixteen-year-old girl being found dead and another was discovered unconscious. Reports from Fort Lewis are saying "There were no outward signs of physical trauma on either girl, Piek told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Monday night. He said Army doctors at Madigan were performing an autopsy on the dead girl, but results might not be available for at least a week." There is still no word on whether drugs or alcohol were involved in the death of the teen nor has a reason been given as to why the teens were in the barracks at 3:30am. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, February 02, 2009

Super Intense

For NFL fans all over the country last night things got a little intense in Tampa as the Steelers went up against the underdog Arizona Cardinals. Super Bowl XLIII was the first Super Bowl that the Cardinals have ever attended in their long NFL history. But it did not take the Steeler's long to claim major points on the board as they led the Cardinals in the first half 3 to 0. The second half of the game was also stolen by the Steeler's who continued to lead 14 to 7. It was the fourth quarter though that had Steeler's fans on the edges of their seats both in the stadium and at home. The Cardinals made a last minute effort to top the Steeler's lead making it 23 to 20. Over the course of the last 4 minutes the Steeler's picked up their game yet again and managed a surprise touch down in the last 2 minutes that bumped the final score 27-23. Steeler's take all. Other surprising moves came during one moment at the second quarter when Harrison blocked a Cardinal's throw to rush all the way across the field and score his team another touch down. It was declared by the announcers as one of the most riveting moments in NFL Super Bowl history. For this and other news please go to, or

Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 steps forward: 1 step back

Military Judge James Pohl has caused Obama's administration a set back. From the House Republicans voting against the $819 billion stimulus package to today's decision to carry on with the trail of the bomber of the USS Cole, Obama is seeing his fair share of resistance. According to reports, "Pohl's decision is striking because two other military judges in a Sept. 11 conspiracy case and in the case of Canadian Al Qaeda operative Omar Khadr agreed to suspend proceedings in accordance with Obama's recent executive order, which put a hold on all military tribunals." Abu al-Nashiri is being charged with the 2000 attack in Yemen. His arraignment is set for February 9th of this year. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First 100 Days: Deadly Winter

Barack Obama's first 100 days are proving to be a true challenge. While the President has managed to freeze his top advisers pay, enacted a plan to close Gitmo in a year, and ushered in a new $819 billion stimulus package to boost the economy he is about to find out that the GOP is apart of the House and Senate just as much as the Democrats. Obama met with House and Senate leaders this morning but Representatives proclaimed that while it was nice to have met and spoken with the new President over three times already they had not yet heard nor spoken to the Speaker of the House Nancy Polsei who told reporters "If there is somebody who is disgruntled, so be it. But we will have an overwhelming vote." Republicans however, are proving to be a true test to the Democratic Party's agenda, claiming that a tax relief would boost jobs and help struggling Americans.

While the GOP is giving the Democratic party the cold shoulder, winter has set in over Philadelphia. The latest round of frigid weather has taken twenty-three lives and has caused millions of power outages. According to reports "since the storm began building on Monday, the weather had been blamed for at least six deaths in Texas, four in Arkansas, three in Virginia, five in Missouri, two each in Ohio and Oklahoma, and one in Indiana. Winter storm warnings were in effect from Texas to New England on Wednesday." For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yea or Nay?

Yea or Nay? That was what Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, voted "nay" on the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the new Secretary of State. This dampened the Inauguration festivities a bit for Senator Clinton as she would later learn of six swearing ins of the Obama cabinet. Senator Clinton was informed that she would have to wait to be confirmed. A Cornyn's spokesman said that the Senator was not interesting in blocking the nomination process but was wanting a more in-depth debate over the donation issue. According to reports the issue at hand, "is whether Clinton's charity would create a conflict of interest with foreign governments." Of course the investigation is more focused on Senator Clinton's husband former President Bill Clinton and his current fund raising methods. It is believed that the former President may hamper his wife's chances of becoming Secretary of State. For this and further news please go to, or


As his first line of business this morning, after a day of celebration yesterday for the nation's first African-American President, Barack Obama decided it was time to tighten Washington's belt. As a nod to the currently floundering economy President Obama announced that several of his high paid employees will be among those to have their pay frozen. The freeze will effect federal employees such as the National Security adviser, the Press Secretary, and the White House Chief of Staff. Other changes being made is the crack down on lobbist. In a release from the AP President Obama stated, "The new rules on lobbying alone, no matter how tough, are not enough to fix a broken system in Washington. That's why I'm also setting rules that govern not just lobbyists but all those who have been selected to serve in my administration."It is rumored that Obama's staff will also have to set through the very ethics briefing he did just days before. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Steelers Stole the Super Bowl

A chance of a life time came within the Baltimore Raven's grasp this past Sunday. However, The Pittsburgh Steelers saw fit to steel away their dream of kicking off in Tampa, Florida scoring 23 over the Raven's 14. And while the Steelers were busy winning their card into the Super Bowl so too were the Arizona Cardinals who scored 32 over the Eagles 25. The Philadelphia Eagles had the support of hundreds of fans ready to see their team take on either the Steelers or Raven's in Super Bowl 43 but it just was not to be. For the Cardinals this will be their first Super Bowl ever, which is ever more the reason to watch this years game. Super Bowl is February 1st. For more information go to

Number 44

It is a historic day for America and for the Obama family. This morning the nation is preparing for the swearing in of our 44th President of the United States on Pennsylvania Avenue. The festivities kicked off with Obama's train ride which mirrored the one Lincoln took and several concerts that were broadcast on HBO over the weekend. Fifty years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr., who would have turned eighty-years-old yesterday had he lived, we are watching his dream become reality. At 10am this morning the Presidential Inauguration Day will officially begin and so too will a generation, hopeful of change. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Perfect Get Away

Thirty-eight-year-old businessman and pilot Marcus Schrenker decided he would preform the perfect get away. In sheer movie fashion Schrenker almost pulled off his dare-devilish stunt. Three days ago Schrenker decided to try and fake his own death by crashing his plane. He left from Indiana and was heading towards Alabama when he made the distress call. Fighter planes rushed to intercept the troubled pilot but when the plane crashed they discovered it had been empty all along. Much to everyone's suprise authorities later learned that Schrenker stashed a motorbike somewhere in Alabama and ejected himself from the cockpit of his plane. On the run for three days Schrenker was caught in North Florida at a campground where he was reportedly trying to take his own life. The businessman was running from economic troubles as well as his divorce. For this and other news please go to or

Monday, January 12, 2009

Royal Blunder

Great Britain's Prince Harry apologized over the weekend, but not for being overly brash or flaunting an inappropriate costume. Top army officials will interview the prince for remarks made about people of Pakistani decent. The terms were referred to as 'racist' and 'derogatory'. According to Fox News "Britain's opposition Conservative Party leader, David Cameron, said Harry's comments undermined work to root out racism from the country's armed forces." For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Year News

Happy 2009! It looks like the year is off to a busy start. While former Governor of Illinois Blago was quickly trying to sale off Barrack Obama's vacant Senate seat, Palestine is determined to press the Israelites into war. Oh and did we mention that gas prices are going back up and all the former Presidents got together for a sit down dinner at the White House? Days before Christmas Florida medical examiner Dr. G, as she is known on her Discovery Health show, autopsied the body investigators found in a wooded area not hardly a mile from the Anthony home. The remains were indeed Caylees. The New Year is also filled with its sorrowful beginnings and endings. For John Travolta and his family it was the loss of their 16-year-old son Jett. While vacationing in the Bahamas Jett Travolta had a seizure and collapsed on his bathroom floor. He was later found by his father and rushed to a nearby hospital. Attempts to resuscitate Jett Travolta failed and the family is quietly mourning as they brought the ashes of their son back to the states earlier this week. For this and other news please go to or