Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ode to '08

No one will argue that this has been an easy year, but no one will also argue that it has not been a year full of captivating news and events. 2008 would not have been complete without the competition between Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and John McCain. On record, most Americans will tell you that this years Presidential campaign was the longest in history. The candidates had announced their intent to enter the ring nearly a year before the race kicked off. While the world struggled with rising gas prices that reached their height of nearly $5 a gallon, the summer of 2008 also brought us muder cases, and the disappearnce of Caylee Anothony that tugged at our hearts, as we hoped that some closure would be brought to her and her family. Today that closure is much closer than it was back in July. In August the world celebrated the 2008 Olympics hosted in Beijing. Michael Phelps quickly became America's newest and inspirationaly athelete of hte year winning eight gold metals for swimming. He also became the first swimmer to grace the cover of Sports Illustarted. This year the Republican party tried to regenerate its base and recent successes in the 2000 and 2004 elections with John McCain welcoming aboard his team Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The first Republican woman to run for the office of Vice President. In November we watched the wild ride for the White House end in Barrack Obama's historic election as he became the first African-American to become President 50 years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr.'s death. 2008 saw its share of movie flops and hits, all of it beginning with two words "Heath Ledger", whose death would leave a generation wondering what more he could have done, but mean while leaving us with his final masterpiece THE DARK KNIGHT. Twilight, the movie adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's love story between a human and a vampire, hit the screen and racked in millions of dollars. However, most fans did not exactly find the movie version as thrilling as the book. Superheroes also abound this year such as IRON MAN and the remake of the HULK. Both were good, but comic book fans everywhere anxiously await the next Batman movie. Last but not least, 2008 ended with OJ behind bars and bailouts to be paid off. But as we look back on all these changes in 2008 we here at THE GLOBE would like to wish you and yours have a very happy holiday season and a prosperious New Year full of nothing but good news.

Friday, December 12, 2008

52-35: Denied!

The Big 3 have been effortlessly searching for a congressional bailout over the last few weeks, but will their Christmas wishes come true? The Senate said "No". In a 52-35 decision last night the United States Senate, against much protest from both sides of the aisle, decided against lending the auto-industry any financial support. Indeed this means grim times ahead for the auto-industry's employees, especially during the holiday season. The nation waits for a compromise to come down, or for the President to step in, but is another bailout what is needed or is there another way? For this and other news please go to or


Police made a discovery yesterday just a mile from Caylee Anthony's home. Findings of what appeared to be skeletal remains of a young girl or boy about Caylee's age and height were reported to have been discovered. The remains were tied up inside a plastic bag. According to Fox News attorney Scott H. Cupp said, "If the duct tape-bound remains are proven to be those of Caylee — who has been missing since June — the method used to dispose of the body will become a significant factor in the first-degree murder trial of the girl's mother, Casey Anthony." The girls mother was said to be so emotional during the announcement of the discovery that she was sedated. Investigators continue to comb the crime scene meanwhile Casey Anthony, her family and the nation await the forensic results. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Is this Caylee?

While the case of missing toddler Caylee Anothony is still an ongoing open investigation there has been another possible siting. This one was inside of a Flordia mall. According to Fox News Halima Solomita, a mall employee stated "I took my last cell phone picture as the woman [accompanying the little girl] tried to cover her head with her arm to hide from me taking her picture." George Anthony, Caylee's grandfather, has said that security guards have approached him and asked that he see the video survillance from the mall. However, mall officials said they could not release the tape to a civilian in an on going investigation. Caylee's mother, Casey, is facing the possibility of life in prison if found guilty of several accounts including 1st degree murder and child abuse. Casey Anthony claimed that she had left her daughter with a babysitter back in June but did not report her daughter missing until July. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, December 05, 2008

If the Crime Fits.....

Once famous football player and television star OJ Simpson found himself back in the courtroom today. But not in the kind that relieved him of the 1995 murder of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson. Instead Mr. Simpson was found guilty for armed robbery and kidnapping and will serve a total of 33 years in prison without the possibility of parole until he has served at least 9 of those years. But before it was all over Mr. Simpson managed to apologize openly in court after his sentencing took place. For this and more news please go to or

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Woman Sees Missing Child

Wanda Wrey, a resident of Flordia, insists that she saw Caliee Anothy, the missing toddler over the summer at the Orlando International Airport. According to Mrs. Wrey "When she came up to me, she said her name,” Wery said. “I asked her three times. She said 'Caylee Me-Antony' all in one word. I didn't expect that. Then the woman she was with spoke up and said, 'She's trying to tell you her name is Caylee Marie Anthony.'" For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Stealing the Empire

A rather interesting hoax pulled off by the New York City Daily Newspaper earlier this week almost went unnoticed. The 102 story Empire State Building traded hands briefly via the newspaper after it created bogus documents that would allow them to swipe up the $2 billion property under the company name of Nelots Properties, LLC. Nelots, in case you have not noticed by now spells "stolen" backwards. To make the hoax even more out of this world the signer was none other than original King Kong star Fay Wray and witness Willie Sutton who in his own right is also famous. A famous bank robber. The property was returned to its original owners after twenty four hours. The paper pulled the heist of the landmark building to show how simple it was for con-artists to swipe up property and make a quick buck. For this and other news please go to or

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Return of the Blond Bond

It's no secret that Daniel Craig has brought new life into the British MI-6 double-O secret agent. With the new movie on release this weekend in theaters, the return of the blond Bond is nothing short of exciting. The movie is a never ending thrill ride that keeps viewers guessing what Bond will do next. A surprise lurks around just about every corner. High speed car chases, an on-the-edge-of-your-seat foot chase through Italy and even a plane ride will keep you holding your breath throughout. But there are no spoilers here, only rave reviews. For this and more sneek peaks at the new Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, go to, or

Friday, November 14, 2008

Al Queda's Survival

It seems that Usama Bin Laden, the head of Al Queda, is slowly losing touch with his organization. According to CIA Director Michael Hayden, Bin Laden is spending a lot of time these days on his own security as well as his survival. According to reports "Hayden said bin Laden, believed to be hiding in the lawless tribal border area of Pakistan, "appears to be largely isolated from the day-to-day operations of the organization he leads." For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Passengers have struggled with long lines, waits and luggage mishaps for quite a while. But while the government tries to make flying the friendly skies safe and as efficient as possible they have discovered it is much harder than it looks. Therefore the only solution is to let it go and let the airlines fend for themselves. So if you have experienced lengthy, unconventional delays recently the formation of a new draft of rules might be why. According to reports "Kate Hanni, a task force member and passenger rights advocate, said Tuesday there is nothing in the draft document that requires airlines or airports to provide additional services for passengers who find themselves stranded aboard airplanes and going nowhere." For this and other news please go to or

Florida High School Girl Dies

In an apparent shooting at Fort Lauderdale High School in Florida, a 15-year-old girl has passed away. Officials are calling this an isolated incident. According to reports "the 15-year-old Dillard High School sophomore was taken to a Ft. Lauderdale hospital after the apparent altercation with another girl. She was initially listed in critical condition, but died later Wednesday afternoon, Fort Lauderdale city spokesman Ted Lawson confirmed." Police are still trying to determine if this was an actual shooting, as there was no apparent signs of a gunshot wound on the deceased female student. No shells have been found and an investigation into whether or not shots were actually fired is also being conducted. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Michael Crichton Dies at 66

Michael Crichton, creature of ER and author of Jurassic Park died Tuesday, November 4th. Crichton passed away after a private battle with cancer. According to reports "While the world knew him as a great story teller that challenged our preconceived notions about the world around us — and entertained us all while doing so — his wife Sherri, daughter Taylor, family and friends knew Michael Crichton as a devoted husband, loving father and generous friend who inspired each of us to strive to see the wonders of our world through new eyes," his family said on his site." For this and other news please go to or

Oh Times They Are.....Changin'

Fifty years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. and the start of the national Civil Rights Movement, Barrack Obama has claimed the White House. The nation watched anxiously last night as McCain pulled ahead in the beginning with a total of thirteen electoral votes to Obama's eight. But slowly, as each poll began to close throughout the nation it was evident that Americans wanted change. Barrack Obama will be sworn in on January 20th, 2009 as the first African-American President of our time after winning a total of 349 electoral votes to Senator John McCain's 161. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Race Is On

"The stop watch of history is running....the race is on." This infamous quote by Dwight D. Eisenhower can sum up the anxiety that most Americans, if not the Presidential candidates themselves, are feeling at this moment. It is down to the wire folks and if you have not yet cast your ballot for 2008, do. No matter who you cast your vote for though remember one thing, that this election is probably the most historic election of our time. Granted the year 2000 had its own set of twists and turns but hopefully the battleground states will come through as the nation watches the returns. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, October 31, 2008

A Lesson in Murder

Regardless of who you are or where you're from, 9 times out of 10 these days you will get caught if you murder someone all thanks to forensic science and class "A" detectives. But William Walsh it would appear needed a lesson in murder 1-0-1. When his wife Leah Walsh went missing over three days ago William cried into the cameras and told police, and anyone else who would listen, that he needed help. It was believed Leah had a flat tire and someone had taken her from the side of the road on Saturday night. Two days later Leah's body was found on the side of the road. But further investigation promped officials to look closer at the crime scence. Yesterday Mr. William Walsh was charged with choking his wife to death and then staging a crime scene to cover his tracks. According to Mayor Lawrence Mulvey of Nassu County, "We allege that William Walsh choked his wife to death, staged a scene to make it look like her car had gone off the highway ... staged text messages," Mulvey said. "Mr. Walsh should not enjoy one nanosecond of freedom for the rest of his life." For this and other news please go to or

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Solely for Revenge

A terrifying story emerged out of Austria a couple months ago about Josef Fritzl. Fritzl, 74, reportedly locked his own daughter in the cellar of his house, raped her and fathered seven children with her over the course of twenty-four-years. Elizabeth, age 42 was freed from the abuse earlier this year. Now a new revelation is coming to light as Fritzl describes the abuse he endured by his own mother. According to reports Fritzl said, “I never had any love from her. She used to beat me, hit me until I was lying in a pool of blood on the floor. I never had a kiss. I was never cuddled.” For this reason he locked up his mother in the family's attic until she died in 1980. Fox News reports that "Fritzl told Dr. Adelheid Kastner: “I bricked in the window so that she never again saw the light of day.” Fritzl claims that the only reason he had for doing this was solely for revenge. For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

6.4 Earthquake Hits Pakistan

Residence living in Quetta, Pakistan woke up to a 6.4 earthquake that injured 15 and left 15,000 homeless. There was reportedly sevearl other injuries. According to, " The worst-hit area appeared to be Ziarat, where hundreds of mostly mud and timber houses had been destroyed in six villages, officials said, including some homes buried in a landslide triggered by the quake." In October of 2005 Pakistan was hit with a similar earthquake that killed 80,000 people. For this and other news please go to or

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marxist in the Making?

Senator Joe Biden dodged questions earlier from Flordia newscaster Barbara West about his campiagn cohort Obama and his "spread-the-wealth" remarks. Biden asked West if she were joking and then simply cut off the interview. However, it has become a concernt that Obama has made statements like this before. An example comes from his book which describes that he favored professors who shared Marxists views when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles. The book titled "Dreams from my Father" quotes Obama as saying, "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, the more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." For this and other news please go to or

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reported Shots Fired

Western Kentucky University officials have not yet been able to confirm if shots were actually fired but the report of men brandishing guns through one part of the campus in a residence hall has been taken seriously. The buildings on campus have been evacuated and police are searching the area. The University's south end is home to Bowling Green Community College. So far no injuries have been reported and the situation is still being assest. For this and other news please go to,, or

39-Year-Old Man Drowns in Spain

A newly wed British couple attended their honeymoon in Spain only to have their dreams shattered. Danielle Hawkes reportedly watched helplessly as her husband Russell Hawkes drowned to death in the undercurrent at the Spanish resort Fuengirola. Danielle informed reporters that she was furious at the situation. Not only had the Red Cross hut not been opened on the beach but there was not even a warning to would-be swimmers about the current state of the ocean. The couple was married back in August, according to reports, but had decided to wait and take their honeymoon just this week. Russell Hawkes was 39-years-old. For this and other news please go to, or

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gas Prices Fall

While the stock market struggled to hang on Friday the price of crude oil fell significantly. Closing in on nearly $3 for a gallon of gasoline oil saw a drop of 35 cents. According to the Lunberg survey that was conducted over the weekend we can expect for gas to continue to fall if there is no spike in prices soon and the reasons are, "Gasoline demand will continue to shrink in our weak economic condition, and retailers, who have been receiving deep buying price cuts, will be anxious to pass through any further price cuts they receive quickly. They need the sales." For this and other news please go to or

Going Up!

So last week was a wild ride for Wall Street investors, as well as most of the global economy. But after hitting a total of 8,000 on the Dow by Friday's closing bell it seems that there was no where else to go but up after all. Markets opened Monday morning to a strong rebound. Around the globe Hong Kong's index soared to a whopping 1,434 points up from its 7% fall on Friday. South Korea and China added 3.7% to their markets while the Dow Jones rose 331 points upon opening bell. For this and other stock market updates please go to or

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baby Mama

The press is all "shook up" about the birth of Lisa Marie Presley's twin girls. The 40 year old songstress has not yet released the names of the two bundles of joy but it is reported that "one baby weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces and the other came in at 5 pounds and 2 ounces." We look forward to seeing the newest editions to the Presley family. Congrats Lisa! For this and other news please go to, or

Friday, October 10, 2008

No Where to go but Up

The opening bell on Wall Street today resounded an epic 112-year drop in the Dow. Today, October 10, 2008 the Dow fell approximately 285 points hitting a low of 8, 280.19. Despite the fact of the rumors of another Federal bail-out, the market continues to struggle. In the mean time crude oil prices continue to sink reaching a total of $80 a barrel. Leaders in the gas industry such as ExxonMobill and Chevron lead the way this morning with their sale-offs leading them down the Dow. But Wall Street isn't the only market taking a hit. Over night world markets scrambled for relief as most of them began to tumble. It was reported that "Japan's Nikkei 225 index, which plummeted 881.06 points, or 9.6%, to 8276.43 in its worst one-day percentage loss since the crash of 1987." Even the Dow Euro was down by 267.4 points. With all this news of global and economic downs there can be no where else to go from here except up. For this and other news please go to, or

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bears and Bulls

Despite the $700 Billion buy out of AIG and the governments involvement with Fannie Maye and Freddie Mac, the NYSE has been having some difficulty keeping up. Oil prices dropped the other day to a surprising low of $90 some dollars a barrel. The first considerable dive in months. Shortly after the first $700 Billion bill was turned down in Congress the Dow took a shattering hit sinking some 700 points to hit 10,000. Today the Dow sunk again this time hitting a low that the country has not seen since 2003 for a total of 9,000 dropping 270 points. General Motors took the biggest hit of the day losing 20% of its stock. Rumors of a potential Tressury buy out also loom over Wall Street as the bears and the bulls continue to fight it out. For this and other news please go to,, or

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lady 'O' Said "No"

According to reports Oprah Winfrey has refused to allow GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin appear on her show. She might have said "no" to Palin but several women with the GOP have said "no" to her show. Today the Flordia Federation of Republican women announced their launch of a boycott against Oprah's television show and magazine. However, it has been pointed out that Senator Barrack Obama has been on Oprah twice and even before he announced his candidacy for President of the United States. For now HARPO productions is remaining silent on how the queen of talk is doing in the ratings. For this and other news please go to or or

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Federally Seized

The federal government announced today that they have officially seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the nation's two largest mortgage giants. To avert a potential crisis in the national and world market the Bush administration has replaced the heads of both companies. Fannie Mae will gain Herb Allsion, a former vice chairman of Merill Lynch and Freddie Mac will be headed by David Moffett, a former vice chairman of US Bancorp. Both companies will be ran by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the agency was created this past summer. For now it will be up to the next President of the United States to determine the companies future and their structure. For this and other news please go to,, or

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fighting on the Front Lines

England's very own Prince Harry has asked that his Army bosses send him back to the front lines in Afghanistan. Harry had a successful first tour earlier this year. Members of his division will be training later next week at Windsor’s Combermere Barracks. Harry will not be joining his division immediately but will be sent to do regular regimental training. At 23 years old Harry's commanders will decide how and when he will be ready to return to the front lines. The Ministry of Defense has also struck a deal with the press to allow Harry to fight overseas in secret. For this and other news please go to or

Behind Bars

The disappearance of two-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony has residents of Orange County baffled. Caylee's mother, who was recently released on a $500,000 bond paid by bondsmen is now back behind bars. While released Casey Anthony was placed under house arrest. The bondsmen had questioned whether they should revoke the bond or not, but on Friday all that changed. Casey Anthony was once again brought into police custody, this time under the charges of check fraud. By allowing her to be released officials hoped that Casey would aid in the search for the missing toddler. Casey Anthony is being held at a new bond of $3,000. Caylee disappeared on June 16th. Casey still claims that the babysitter she supposedly left Caylee with kidnapped her. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama-Biden vs. McCain-Palin

Well folks it's official. Both Presidential candidates for 2008 have picked their running mates. Obama's choice came first on the eve of the Democratic National Convention. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware is the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee despite rumors that the Illinois Senator would pick Hillary Clinton as his VP. John McCain announced earlier today that he would be filling his VP spot, and no it was not Mitt Romney as many were hoping, but with the Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin, 44-years-old and once mayor of a small town in Alaska found herself for the first time in the national spotlight. "I am honored," She said to reporters. It will be an interesting match up between these two very diverse tickets. For this and other news please go to, or

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Amazing Stories

Here at the Globe we strive to keep up with the latest and sometimes most outrageously exciting news stories. These next two stories are just amazing enough to make us smile and ah at this interesting world we live on. An Egyptian woman this week gave birth to seven, yes seven, children at the age of twenty-seven. The new mother was blessed with four boys and three girls in all who are said to be doing well. According to reports the newborns will be "placed in incubators in four different hospitals that have special premature baby units." Our next story is just as amazing. This years Olympic games have seen records set and broken. From the fastest man alive to the record setting Michael Phelps with his eight gold metal wins. But last night the Olympics watched as mother and forty-one-year-old Dara Torres took away the silver metal. Competeing against sixteen-year-old Australian Cate Campbell Torres was thrilled with her win when she saw her time of 24.07 seconds. For this and other amazing stories please go to, or

Golden Boy

In true American fashion Michael Phelps brought national and worldwide attention to him and his sport. People from all over tuned in last night to watch the Olympic champion of then seven gold metals win his final record setting eighth. Phelps now holds the world record for most won gold metals in a single game. One more metal than 1972 winner Spitz. Competing with passion Phelps made his country proud. It appears history opened its doors after all and Phelps has became America's new golden boy. For this and other news please go to, or

Saturday, August 16, 2008

7th Heaven

Looks like Michael Phelps' goal is not so unattainable after all. Tying Olympic champion and record setter Mark Spitz Phelps grasped his 7th gold metal and is looking for the eighth. In 50.58 Phelps' hand reached the wall one hundred of a second ahead of his competitor Serbia's Milorad Cavic. Spitz reportedly told Phelps that what he had accomplished was truly historical. For this and other news please go to or

Temper, Temper

Everyone seems to be cheering and rejoicing in the light of the Summer Olympic Games. However, there are a few who do not seem to understand the rules of fair play. Ara Abrahamian, a Swedish wrestler lost to Italian Andrea Minguzzi who went on to take gold in the Greco-Roman 84-kilogram division. According to press reports Abrahamian "took the bronze from around his neck and, angrily, dropped it on the mat as he walked away." His metal was revoked due to his inability to show the spirit of fair play. Abrahamian becomes the forth athlete to be kicked out of the Games and brings the total number of metals removed to three. For this and other news please go to, or

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mongolia Rejoices!

Tuvshinbayar Naidan’s judo win on Thursday has gave the country of Mongolia something to rejoice for. The young man has officially snagged Mongolia's first ever Olympic Gold Metal. Fireworks went off above his hometown of Ulan Bator when he beat Kazakhstan’s Askhat Zhitkeyev in the men’s 100-kilogram class. The country has won several metals in other events in the past but none of them have been gold. For now though, he has given his country and his family something to be deeply proud of. For this and other news please go to or

Knocking at History's Door

It seems that the only thing people can talk about these days is Michael Phelps, and with good reason. Phelps has proven that he is half man, half fish when it comes to all things aquatic. Now as he grasps his sixth gold metal of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games Phelps is knocking at history's door. Could he actually obtain all 8? This was his goal before going to Beijing and so far it seems he has lived up to it. Early this morning, late last night eastern time Phelps was determined to sink the competition and in the 200-meter individual medley he set a world-record time of 1:54.23. Will history open its door for Phelps? We'll just have wait and see. For this and other news please go to, or

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Larger than Life Legacy

At fifty three-years-old and seven-foot-seven-inches tall Sandy Allen has passed away. The lessons and wisdom that she shared will linger on for generations as she is most noted for speaking to school aged children about being different and how that is all right. According to a family friend, Rita Rose, Sandy Allen, "died at a nursing home in her hometown of Shelbyville." Unfortunately the cause of death is unknown. Her friend also said that Allen always embraced her height and was proud to hold the record of the tallest woman in the world. For this and other news please go to, or

Monday, August 11, 2008

India Goes for Gold!

This years Olympic Summer Games have been full of spectacular visuals and sorrowful moments as many athletes were unable to attend and one coach experienced the loss of a family member. But today, as the Olympics continued one country finally got a taste of what these world games symbolize. India, for the first time in the nation's history, received a gold metal. Abhinav Bindra’s is a shooter who is now the Olympic World Champion in the 10 m Air Rifle event. His family reportedly celebrated their sons success at the Olympics by offering sweets at their home to friends and neighbors. Bindra's father, A.S. Bindra, reportedly said to Reuters, "He has won the greatest medal in the world." Bindra's mother joked that her son was now "the country’s most eligible bachelor.” For this and other news pleas go to, or

Sunday, August 10, 2008

One Down, Many More to Go

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps set a goal before he made his debut at the Beijing Summer Olympic Games. Four years ago Phelps was on top of his game, but this year he wants eight gold metals. That total is one better than what Olympiad Mark Spitz in 1972 received. Phelps one his first gold metal yesterday evening for the 400-meter individual medley. For this and other news please go to or

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Bernie Mac Dies at 50

Bernie Mac the comedian slash actor who has become a well known personality through his television show, guest appearances and movies has died at the age of 50. Mac suffered from sarcoidosis, an inflammatory lung disease that produces tiny lumps of cells in the body's organs. Danica Smith, Mac's publicist said that the comedian passed away early Saturday morning in Chicago of complications due to pneumonia. For this and other news please go to or

1500 Dead

Amongst celebrations of the 2008 Olympics there are two countries which are having their share of difficulties. Yesterday the country of Georgia was brought under attack by Russia. 1500 people are now dead because of what is being called a "humanitarian catastrophe" by the Preside of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The fighting has certainly threatened a wide war between Russia and Georgia and could cause a strain between Moscow and Washington D.C. According to reports Russia says that it needs to protect its peacekeepers and civilians in the region. A potential cease fire is in negotiations at the United Nations as they call yet another emergency meeting of the Security Council. For this and other news please go to or

Friday, August 08, 2008

Olympic Opening

It's official, the 2008 summer Olympic Games have opened! Photographers were on hand to capture the first glimpses of Beijing's lavish opening ceremony. Fireworks, waving flags from all over the world and beautiful dances and entertainment followed. So, sports fans of the world, unite and let the games begin! For this and other news please go to,, or

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Olympic Surprises

As Beijing gears up to host the 2008 Olympics there a number of American athletes who will not be participating or attending the games. Today one such athlete came forward and removed himself from the competition. Morgan Hamm, twin brother of reigning Olympic champion Paul Hamm, found his unending ankle pain to be to much. Paul Hamm broke his wrest back in October of last year and the pain continued causing him to drop out of the Olympics on July 28. Morgan suffers from ankle spurs that made training with his team this past week difficult. Upon making the decision to drop our of the competition Morgan stated, “This has been an extremely hard decision for me to make. I’ve given everything I can to be ready to compete at this Olympic Games. It’s best for me to step down and have another athlete fill my position. This is something for me that’s very tough because it’s end of my career, and it’s not the way I had planned it.” For this and other news please go to, or

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

News Week Former Editor Named Head of Washington News Bureau

After only a month NBC has named Mark Whitaker, age 50, of News Week magazine as Tim Russert's successor at the Washington News Bureau. Whitaker worked for News Week as an intern while attending Harvard University back in the 1970s before he was named editor in 1998. It was a post he held until 2006. Russert made famous the Sunday morning show Meet the Press. No permanent decisions on who will host the show have been made at this time. However, for now, semi-retired NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw has agreed to stay on until the end of the election in November. For this and other news please go to or

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 2

In Ahmadabad, India the death toll has risen to 45. These deaths are being caused by serial blasts that have ripped through the country with up to 110 people injured in the sixteen total blasts that went off throughout various neighborhoods. It was said by one of the officials that there are those who wish to see a divide in the country but the official also stated that the blasts were "deplorable". However, this part of India is no stranger to such violence. In 2002 the city also saw riots between the country's Hindu majority and the Muslim minority. Those riots killed 1,000 people. For this and other news please go to or