Thursday, November 30, 2006

Seeing Red?

Col. Alexander Litvinenko as you may recall was a Russian spy that was in London and being treated for what is now known as radiation poisoning. As a result London officials are seeking 33,000 passengers who traveled from the former Soviet Union to Britain. According to Fox News, "Traces of radiation have been found at a dozen sites in Britain and five jets were being investigated for possible contamination as authorities widened their investigation into the poisoning of a former Russian spy, the country's top law enforcement official told Parliament on Thursday." For this and other stories please go to or

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Official Visit

Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Turkey today for his first visit to the Muslim country. The Pope hopes that his visit will calm the tensions between the Muslim and Orthodox Christians. His arrival in Turkey stems from the speech he gave earlier this year about the Muslim religion being "evil and inhuman". The Pope later apologized for his remarks and according to Fox News, "The Vatican said the speech was an attempt to highlight the incompatibility of faith and violence, and Benedict later expressed regret for the violent Muslim backlash." For this and other news stories please go to or

Monday, November 27, 2006

End the Violence

Iraqi leaders are calling for the end to violence as a result of one of the deadliest attacks on Baghdad since the beginning of the war. According to Fox News, "By the end of the day, the province's latest casualty figures were a microcosm of the brutality in Iraq: 17 insurgents killed, 15 detained, 20 civilians kidnapped and three bodies found." A U.S. soldier was also killed on Saturday due to a roadside bomb. Perhaps, with the rising up of the leaders within Iraq, the violence will end. However, other news reports suggest that the people will not back down and want to continue fighting. For this and other news stories please go to or

Sunday, November 26, 2006

'Tis the Season!

'Tis the season again! That's right folks, Christmas is just around the corner and already millions if not billions of shoppers hit the super centers on Black Friday. Some of the most popular items this year, if you're not in the know, are Sony's Play Station 3 (PS3) and Nintendo's Wii console. Both items have been high on everyone's wish list since earlier this year. Not to mention THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS video game for the Wii which I have on high authority received five out of five stars for being one of the best games ever! Forty hours of game play, but my sources tell me it's much more. The Ipod is also a big gift. There is many hours of play with that one, no matter what color or what type. And my personal favorites would have to be DVD's and CD's. 'Tis the season to be jolly and gamers worldwide, and techno addicts alike are giddy with delight. I know I am.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thanksgiving Past Times

One of my personal favorite Thanksgiving pass times has to be eating turkey, of course, and watching a good football game on television. It is also a good time to remember all that we are thankful for and I am certainly thankful for a lot. As I will be away for Thanksgiving HISTORYINTHEMAKING will not be making posts until November 28th. I will be enjoying a game and taking in the news from a viewers perspective, not so much as a writer or reporter for a week. I appreciate everyone who stops by to read my blog. Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the football games at all costs. ~Sincerely, HISTORYINTHEMAKING P.S.- If you have any special Thanksgiving past times please feel free to create a comment and share them. Thanks again!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Bo Schembechler one of Michigan University's greatest football coaches passed away today. It is reported that Schembechler suffered a heart attack. The coach was seventy-seven years old and as reporetd by Fox News, "This is a tremendous shock and an irreplaceable loss," University of Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman said at a news conference at Providence Hospital in Southfield, where the coach died." Indeed this is a great loss to many of the Michigan University football fans, students, and colleagues of Bo Schembechler. He will be truly missed. For this and other stories please go to or

Storms on the Move

Eight people in North Carolina die after tornado rips through trailer park. A dozen people were hospitalized and several children are in critical condition according to news reports. The series of storms swept across the south and moved north causing other weather problems such as flooding. For this and other news stories go to or

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Left In the Dark:The Race is On

Storms swept across North Carolina yesterday killing five people and leaving several more without power leaving them in the dark. The race is on: It also appears that John McCain is heading back to the presidential race in '08. That's right folks, 2000 all over again. Thomas Thompson is also going to leap in launching his own presidential exploratory committee. Both men will be joining hopeful '08 runner Rudie Giuliani. For these and other news stories please go to or

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hanging 10!

Small tsunami's strike Japan after they have a eight point one earth quake. Japan was struck by fifteen inch waves soon after the quake and several other small tsunami's were caught fifteen minutes later in other locations. According to news reports the country is under a tsunami warning. For this and other breaking stories please go to or

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Unsolved Mystery

The International Atomic Energy Agency has found several traces of plutonium and uranium in a nuclear was facility in Iran and have asked Tehran for the purpose for this according to FOX NEWS. Of course the U.S. knows how desperately Iran wants its hands on the nuke and if Tehran, who has refused to cooperate, had something to do with it what were their reasons? Just another unsolved mystery out of many. The IAEA is expected to meet with other nations sometime next week. For this and other stories please go to or

Forward to '08!

Who didn't see this coming? Former New York mayor Ruddy Giuliani has set his plans for 2008 into action. According to news reports last Friday Rudy filed papers setting up his presidential Exploratory committee Inc. And yes, it is New York based. Americans remember Giuliani as man who steered all of New York during the attacks of 9/11. I guess we'll just have to wait an see if he is the right man to steer America. Good luck Rudy! Forward to '08! or

Monday, November 13, 2006

According to news reports this afternoon, the U.S. gave the go ahead to raid some houses of supporters of Shiite Cleric Al-Sadr. People living in that area of Iraq are reporting gun battles between U.S. military forces and the supporters of Al-Sadr. Fox News talked to Jalil al-Nouri who had this to say about the attacks over the telephone, "Occupation forces are currently carrying out raids against al-Sadr's followers in the neighborhood of Shula." For this and other developing news stories please go to or

Round Table

President Bush is holding meetings with panel about the course of the war in Iraq. The round table panel is comprised of a study group which will announce any of its suggestion to congress by the end of '06. In other breaking news a bomb tore through Baghdad killing twenty people in a Shiite neighborhood while a gun men killed ten people including a camera man according to Fox News. For this and other breaking news stories please go to or

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What the----Borat?

What is this? I watched the trailer for this movie on Yahoo and had to blink several times while it dawned on me that this guy wasn't really from any foreign country (at least it doesn't appear that way) but that he was mocking people from foreign countries who came to America. Okay yes, maybe tourists who come here are a little overwhelmed by our out right crazy-mixed up media-pop tart culture way of life but that wares off. It does seem however that BORAT, there's no dignified way to write it or say it apparently, that he's getting plenty of attention. That's right, Borat is getting sued even before the movie reviews can get generated. To date this "documentary" has made $9 million dollars at the box office and expected to make more. For this and other entertainment news go to or at their 411 page.

Take it Away

According to news reports the U.S. has vetoed the UN's latest draft resolution that condemns Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip and demands their immediate exit. U.S. Ambassador John Bolton stated the draft was "biased against Israel and politically motivated." This was the second draft that was met by opposition of the United States. For this and other stories go to or

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Colors of Patriotism

I think it is only fair that I dedicate half of my page today to the Veteran's who serve and have served this nation with their lives. God Bless you all, there are no words to how much we appreciate your efforts and your courage in times of need. It is also fitting that we remember those of 9/11 and our allies around the world who are also waging the war on terror. Thank you men and women of the U.S. Armed forces and those around the world. ~ HistoryintheMaking Creator

Diplomacy Under Fire

Iraqi insurgents blast U.S. Diplomatic Office while a car bomb kills eight. According to Fox News: "At least eight people were killed by a pair of car bombs that tore through noontime shoppers in downtown Baghdad on Saturday, while a Slovak and Polish soldier were reported killed overnight by a roadside bomb south of the capital." For more on this story please go to or

Friday, November 10, 2006


Al Qaeda is back on the scene just a few days after the elections. Once again they are vowing not to rest until they have done everything to destroy freedom. According to recent news reports the terrorist organization claims to have 12,000 fighters in Iraq. There is a statement by Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, the current leader of Al Queda, that can be found at, says: "We will not rest from our Jihad until we are under the olive trees of Rumieh and we have destroyed the dirty black house--which is called the White House." For this and other stories please go to or

The British are Coming!

Whether suspected terrorist are expecting it or not the British are hot on their trail in their major cities, especially London. Recent reports suggest that the British agency MI-5 is currently tracking nearly 30 terrorist plots that involve an estimated number of 1,600 individuals. According to Fox News, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller spoke about the case saying, "What do I mean by numerous? Five? Ten?" she said. "No, nearer 30 that we currently know of." For this and other news stories please go to or

Thursday, November 09, 2006

60 Minutes of News; A Life Time of Fame

Ed Bradley, the CBS news reporter for 60 MINUTES passed away today at the age of 65. Bradley was one of the first African-American journalist to be a White House correspondent for the network. Bradley joined the cast of 60 MINUTES during its 1981-82 season. According to Fox News: "CBS News' Mike Wallace described Bradley as, "a man of gentleness, a man of strength, a man of integrity — he worked so damn hard and he covered the world, seriously. Bradley was a complete reporter and a reporter's reporter." Indeed he will be truly missed. For this and other stories please go to or


Oops it look like Britany is back in the spotlight. Mrs. K-Fed filed for divorce yesterday before her husband Kevin had the chance. According to news reports that are floating around K-Fed believes his two children are worth $30million a piece and will do anything to get them. Not to mention Brit is prepared to keep him away from the two children. Kevin has agreed not to talk about his life with the super-poptart for up to 20 years. Yeah I smell something funny too. Oh well, hopefully I'll still be around in 20 years so I can hear all the dirt he has on her. In the meantime we'll just have to let Brit spill the beans about K-Fed. On the up side, Brit is making her new record in New York since getting back with her manager Larry Rudolph. For this and other exciting stories go to,, or

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Political chaos

It seems as the current elections rage that all of Washington D.C. is in a fit of chaos. The Senate is split down the middle between Democrats and Republicans, the House is in Democratic control, and the final shock of the day came with President Bush announcing that the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld offered his resignation and stepped down. As a result former CIA Director Robert Gates was appointed to the post as a Presidential nominee. In the mean time the races are still going on and currently it is between two states, Virginia and Montana to give the Democrats another lead in the Senate. Will it happen? With all this political chaos who knows? For this and several other news stories please go to or

Down to the Wire

It looks like the GOP will be keeping the Senate this term although some states are still deciding. The House was swept by the Dems and so were the governors. In the mean time the U.S. Supreme Court is considering an act to ban partial birth abortions. For this and other news headlines go to or

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Looking the Donkey in the Mouth?

Are we bound to see the Dems recapture most of the seats in the House and Senate this year? Take the Governor spots? So far Kennedy, Byrd, Lugar, and Snowe have recaptured their seats. Polls close at 9pm which means fifteen more states, thirty three Senate seats, four hundred thirty five seats in the House and thirty six gubernational races are still open for debate. According to Fox News there are no surprises yet, but then again Kennedy winning wasn't really a surprise. No one ever runs against him. For this and other stories go to or


Why isn't every year during an election someone, or something, seems to point out glitches in our system? More confusing yet is why people don't like the process of voting either by ballot (i.e. the hanging chad) or because computers are in their words "unreliable" and votes can be "hijacked". I myself do not believe that votes can be hijacked, I believe that they can be miscalculated by a machine yes, but that is why it is important to have people carefully inspecting the voting process. Oh well, it seems like an endless debate, one left for the election of 2008 (didn't mean for that to rhyme). Until next time dear voters, vote on, vote strong! or

Rain Drops Keep Fallen'

According to news reports the Washington state governor Chris Gregoire declared eighteen counties in a state of emergency due to heavy rains that have continued to fall and killed one person. For this and other news stories please go to or

Monday, November 06, 2006


I hate to be the historian here but once again I can't help myself. This sort of reminds of Wilson's 13 Point plan after WWI. Yep you guessed it! The Dems lead by thirteen points. The picture above is of Ex-Gov. Mark R. Warner, left, Senate candidate Jim Webb, center, and Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine in Roanoke, Va. (according to It's going to be close. The race is on! VOTE! or

Round 'em Up!

It's time to vote again, and how do I know that? I can't help but turn on the television these days and see attack adds everywhere. Whether you are a democrat or a republican you can't escape the mass media broadcasts, the set down discussions on early morning news shows, and read about the candidates in the newspapers. Up for grabs are nearly 430 some seats in the House of Representatives and a cool 33 in the Senate, while there are 36 states searching for a new or renewed governor. Good luck to both sides because I know who I'm pulling for. Now round 'em up and go vote!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Guns to the Sky

Upon Saddam Hussein's verdict there was plenty of celebratory gun fire going off throughout Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. The question on everyone's lips now is how different will the post-Saddam regime Iraq be? Although the Iraqi people have a new President, a new leader, the death of one of its most notorious murderers and dictators will ultimately put an end to this era and give birth to a new one. At least that is the hope here, the hope for freedom. and

Hang 'em High

Saddam Hussein is sentenced to death by hanging. He definitely got what he deserves. The picture above shows a bailiff pulling down the former dictator's hand as Saddam begins to protest the judges decision. The White House praises the Iraqi courts independence in this verdict. Perhaps we can finally lay to rest the crimes of the Butcher of Baghdad once and for all. or

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What He Deserves

Rumors are flying around the recent possible verdict that is expected to be handed down tomorrow for Saddam Hussein. The former Iraqi dictator is looking at a possible death sentence, and with that being said the curfews for the Iraqi people have not lifted. All people and cars are being banned from streets as security is upped in preparation of tomorrow. The new Iraqi leader says that he hopes Saddam gets what he deserves. For this and other stories please go to or

Safety Measures

According to news reports the Iraqi city of Baghdad has been placed under curfew through Sunday. It will run from six in the morning until six at night. The curfew will cover cars as well as pedestrians. The reason for this being is the result of the expected verdict for past Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. For this and other news stories please go to or

Friday, November 03, 2006

Punch Line

It appears that the Iraqi soldiers are giving John Kerry a dose of his own medicine and an actual punch line. I found this picture, it's been reported throughout the news at various times and thought I'd give everyone a visual to go with the reports. All I have to say is "God Bless our Troops". or

What in Gods Name?

What in Gods name got into the Evangelical reverend Ted Haggard? Haggard claimed that the allegations were false about him paying for sex from a homosexual male prostitute, but he didn't deny the fact that he bought methamphetamines. According to Haggard he bought the drugs but did not take them, sound familiar folks? It should. "I did not inhale." (Bill Clinton himself). As a result of his latest confessions Haggard stepped down from his post as head of the National Association of Evangelicals. For this and other news stories please go to or

North, South, East----And Kanye West

Goodness, the European MTV MUSIC AWARDS were certainly full of high toned action and plenty of superstars but nothing crystallized the crowd more than Kanye West. The hip-hop artist of Gold Digger, Touch the Sky, and Jesus Walks took home the best hip-hop artist award but lost the video category to some unknowns. A little upset Kanye took the stage and out right told everyone that if he didn't win "it hurts the credibility of the show". I hate to play favorites here but yeah, Kanye's a big deal. Also like to say congrats to all the other winners like Gnarls Barkley for "CRAZY" and Christina Aguilera who also sought a moment in the spot light. Peace! or or

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Moving on Up!

Looks like Tom Cruise is cruising up to the top of his own movie studio. The studio U.A. or United Artist was founded by Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford nearly a century ago. I guess it's true what they say, if you want it bad enough you buy it. Good luck Tom, we're gunning for you! (Pun intended). or

Guilty as Charged

Guilty as charged, that's seems to be verdict for Raymond Lee Oyler. Oyler was arrested at his mother's home in connection with the recent California fire that swept 40,000 some acres, burned down 34 homes, and killed five firefighters. However, this is just one of many wildfire's Oyler has under his belt. According to FOX NEWS: "Prosecutors charged Oyler with five counts of murder, 11 counts of arson and 10 counts of use of an incendiary device. The charges include seven fires in June, one in July, one in September and two in October." For this and other top of the news stories go to or

It's Getting Hot in Here

The person of interest arrested earlier this week in connection with the Esperanza fire that blazed in California, apparently is not the right man. According to Jason Walden, manager of the auto center were the suspect has worked for months, says that he isn't that kind of guy. "He's not into fire." Said Walden. Oyler, the suspect, is being held under $25,000 bond. The cost of the blaze was estimated to be $9.9 million dollars. The fire burned 34 homes and killed five firefighters. Hopefully there will be a resolution to all this soon because we deserve answers, especially those who lost their homes. For this and other stories go to; or Picture on right: Raymond Lee Oyler.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kerry's Apology

Earlier this week at a college on Monday Senator John Kerry apologized for a "poorly stated joke". Kerry said that the statement was not intended to be aimed at any troop. Come on, if you say something as a joke most of the time there's a punch line. The only punch line here was that our troops were uneducated and those who failed college would be uneducated in Iraq. He should apologize---but instead of for his words being "misunderstood" he should apologize for continually downing our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. For this and more stories got to or And for fun I'll throw in one of my personal favorites

California Fire

According to news reports the man responsible for setting the fire that ravaged California last week killing four firefighters and badly injuring a fifth has been arrested. Apparently he was also arrested in connection with a second wildfire. Raymond Lee Oyler, 36, of Beaumont, was arrested Tuesday evening of setting the latest fire and the one in June. Sadly the fifth firefighters who was in critical condition passed away yesterday evening at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton. Pablo Cerda was twenty three from Fountain Valley. He suffered burns that covered 90% of his body. For this and other leading news stories please go to or

Red vs. Blue

"You study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." Those were the words of Senator John Kerry to Pasadena City College students on Monday. The remarks did not carry well through the White House or the rest of the United States. I have to go out on a limb here and say that words like these do hurt our men and women in the armed forces. For now the Dems (Blue) are being asked by the Republicans (Red) to distance themselves from Senator Kerry. For more information please go to or