Thursday, November 09, 2006


Oops it look like Britany is back in the spotlight. Mrs. K-Fed filed for divorce yesterday before her husband Kevin had the chance. According to news reports that are floating around K-Fed believes his two children are worth $30million a piece and will do anything to get them. Not to mention Brit is prepared to keep him away from the two children. Kevin has agreed not to talk about his life with the super-poptart for up to 20 years. Yeah I smell something funny too. Oh well, hopefully I'll still be around in 20 years so I can hear all the dirt he has on her. In the meantime we'll just have to let Brit spill the beans about K-Fed. On the up side, Brit is making her new record in New York since getting back with her manager Larry Rudolph. For this and other exciting stories go to,, or

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