Sunday, November 12, 2006

What the----Borat?

What is this? I watched the trailer for this movie on Yahoo and had to blink several times while it dawned on me that this guy wasn't really from any foreign country (at least it doesn't appear that way) but that he was mocking people from foreign countries who came to America. Okay yes, maybe tourists who come here are a little overwhelmed by our out right crazy-mixed up media-pop tart culture way of life but that wares off. It does seem however that BORAT, there's no dignified way to write it or say it apparently, that he's getting plenty of attention. That's right, Borat is getting sued even before the movie reviews can get generated. To date this "documentary" has made $9 million dollars at the box office and expected to make more. For this and other entertainment news go to or at their 411 page.

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