Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Faith in Florida

Today is decision day for Florida Republicans. Romney is surging ahead of Gingrich in the polls as his rival, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, tries to sway voters by going after Romney's character and religious beliefs. Gingrich is accusing the former Governor of Massachusetts of being no different than President Barrack Obama and stated to Fox News reporter Bret Baier, "I think Governor Romney is extraordinarily insensitive to religious freedom in America and the Obama administration is clearly engaged in a war on religion." Most believe that this recent attack on former Governor Mitt Romney's faith is the sign of Gingrich's "campaign "flailing" in the face of a collapse" as he struggles to hold onto the Republican nomination in Florida. Gingrich has already stated to the press that he will continue to the Republican Convention even if he does not take Florida in the primary. It is estimated that 2million people will turn out for the Sunshine State's primaries this evening. Voting begins at 7am Eastern. For this and more news on the Republican Presidential Campaigns please to go www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com or www.msnbc.com.

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