Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not Your Status Qou Candidate

For someone who does not seem like much of a political threat, status qou breaker and Congressman Ron Paul who is the author of such books as END THE FED and A Republic: If you Can Keep It, certainly made his debut in the race for the White House these last couple of weeks. From Iowa to New Hampshire his name and reputation has gained a following on both the internet and on the campaign trail. Paul's following is greater in number than the conservatives or liberals would like to admit. Television reporters, news anchors and newspaper outlets struggle to find ways to ignore the Congressman's message of fiscal responsibility, ending the Federal Reserve and supporting the return to the gold standard. But there is no denying that Ron Paul exudes a confidence about himself whether it is while he's discussing monetary policy or if it is simply in a back and forth between himself and fellow candidate for office Newt Gingrich. Last night during the New Hampshire primary Mitt Romney cleared a leading 39% of the vote. Meanwhile Gingrich and Santorum, who were expected to be big hitters, were hardly a 'blip' on the radar. Is this what is in store for Romney if he continues to hold onto first place? Or can he hold onto first place? It's up the South Carolina but it is certainly clear that Ron Paul is definitely nipping at the heels of what he calls 'the establishment'. For this and more news on Congressman Paul and the New Hampshire Primary please go to,, or visit Paul's official website at (Photo by the New York Times).

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