Sunday, January 08, 2012

Honoring Arizona

One year after the bloody shooting that occurred in Arizona by a crazed gunman, Gabrielle Giffords returns to the site of the tragedy to remember and mourn the victims lost on that fateful day. Giffords, who had been among the crowd for a rally, was brutally shot in the head and quickly airlifted to the nearest medical facility for treatment. In the year that followed Giffords has went through several months of intense physical therapy to help her recover from the injuries she sustained. For Giffords her source of strength comes from various places, the country who has embraced her, her staff who worked closely with her and most of all her adoring family. Both Giffords and her husband published a book at the end of last year titled Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope. Her husband, Mark Kelly is a successful NASA astronaut, U.S. Naval captain and naval aviator who was scheduled to go back into space a final time before his wife was seriously injured at her January 2011 rally. According to Jared Lee "Loughner has pleaded not guilty to 49 charges in the shooting. The 23-year-old, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, is being forcibly medicated at a Missouri prison facility in an effort to make him mentally ready for trial." For this and more on congresswoman Giffords, her heroic story of survival and the case against Loughner please go to or

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