Friday, January 06, 2012

A Year in Re-View

Although most of us have by now put 2011 well behind us, it is the job of In View (formally The Globe) to report on some of the top news stories of 2011 before we kick off a new year.

Almost a year after being attacked at a rally in Arizona, her home state, Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D) is well on her way to recovery and is seeking re-election. Giffords will reportedly attend a candle light vigil that will mark the 1 year anniversary of the shooting.

Another large story that captured the nation's attention in 2011 was that of Tot-Mom, so named by HLN host Nancy Grace, or to the public Casey Marie Anthony. Anthony was said to be the most hated woman in America when the verdict to release her was handed down and the courts found her not guilty of her daughters demise. Anthony was facing charges of first degree murder in the case of her daughter Caylee Anthony. Caylee was missing for nearly 31 days before she was reported missing and her remains were later discovered in a wooded area near her grandparents Florida residence.

2011 saw its moments of despair but it also saw moments of happiness and of hope. Prince William and his long time girlfriend Kate Middleton tied the knot in an April ceremony amidst a large and supportive crowd of onlookers. The Prince and Princess toured parts of Canada and the United States during the summer. Catherine's wedding dress is currently on display for all to see in Buckingham Palace.

For four years Amanda Knox had waited patiently for her day of justice to come inside of an Italian prision. Knox, a Seattle native, was charged with the murder of Mereditch Kutcher and convicted of the crime in 2009 along with her then boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito. Knox was released due to lack of evidence in the case against her. Amanda was released on May 26th, 2011.

2011 instantly propelled several figures into the political spotlight. Amidst economic woes, high unemployment rates, and national spending issues it was the year of the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street Protestors and a reminder of the upcoming 2012 election season. Among those to step up to the plate and throw their hats in the ring were Hermann Cain, Michelle Bauchman, former Governor of Mass. Mitt Romney, Gov. John Huntsman, Rick Santorum, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Senator Ron Paul. Needless to say, this is going to be a very interesting year for politics, our economy and our nation. This is hail and farewell to 2011.

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