Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Primary Kick-Off

The New Hampshire Primary is well underway with the first ballot for our nation's next Republican candidate for President of the United States cast at midnight. So it comes as no surprise when news outlets report the rise of Mitt Romney. The former Governor of Massachusetts has a home just up the road and held office in the neighboring state. But Gingrich and others have taken sharp aim at Romney throughout the past week with numerous campaign made-for-tv ads. However, Romney's supporters have backed him so far as to raise $1 million worth of air time to combat Gingrich's campaign to push Romney from the race. But perhaps it is the underdogs Romney and Newt should be worried about, and not so much each other or playing politics. Congressman Ron Paul from Texas has been known for his grand fundraisers as well and last night picked up several votes along the way in New Hampshire's first few open primary districts and is a close second to Mitt. For this and more news on the Republican Primaries for President please go to www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

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