Monday, January 30, 2012

Fumbling for Florida

Candidates for the 2012 Presidential election have bounced from Iowa, to New Hampshire then South Carolina and finally Florida. While Santorum saw a late victory in Iowa and Romney stole New Hampshire by just a few votes from Libertarian candidate Ron Paul, South Carolina seemed to be the promised land for former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Will the same be said of Florida?

I am sure everyone recalls the insanity that was 2000 when the Presidential election hung by a 'chad'. Will it be the same for the 2012 Presidential Primaries? Romney and Gingrich both received strong indorsements from various candidate and office holders over the weekend. Gingrich was backed by former candidate Herman Cane, and Romney found himself indorsed by former Presidential candidate Bob Dole who called the Gingrich a "one-man-band who rarely took advice." According to news reports the "Quinnipiac poll taken around the time of the South Carolina vote showed Romney’s Florida margin at only 2 points. At the beginning of the month, Romney led by 12 points. Eight weeks ago, Gingrich was up by 13 points." For the Republicans who remain undecided about which candidate they want to see run against President Obama, hang in there--just not like that pesky chad. For this and other news please go to, or

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