Friday, January 13, 2012

A Golden Age

Statistics tell us that the likelihood of us living to 100 or close to it is often slim. In fact studies have shown that on average a male who reaches his 65th birthday has a 20% chance of living to age 90 and a female who reaches her 65th birthday has a 32% chance of seeing 90. Personally I believe it is genetic, or a strong sense of character that can pull one close to or at the century mark. No better example can be given than Betty White. Betty has had a career in television. The star of the Golden Girls and now one of TVLand's biggest hits, Hot in Cleveland, is preparing to celebrate her 90th birthday next week and launch her new show 'Off their Rocker'. Happy Birthday to the Golden Girl who has graced so many lives and has been a joy to watch on both the small and big screens all these years.

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