Friday, January 13, 2012

The Verdict is In

Joran Van der Sloot, suspected Natalee Holloway kidnapper and murderer, was sentenced to 28 years in Lima, Peru. Van der Sloot was being tried for the murder of Stephanie Flores, a young woman who was escorted by Van der Sloot back to his hotel room and supposedly witnessed material on his computer that would tie him to the Holloway case. Flores was brutally strangled and left for dead. The three judge panel also ordered Van der Sloot to pay $75,000 in reparations. According to news reports: "Due to time already served, the judges said Van der Sloot's sentence would end in June 2038. But under Peru's penal system, Van der Sloot could become eligible for parole after serving half of the sentence with good behavior, including work and study." Van der Sloot reserved his right to appeal the verdict. Although there is no justice in his arrest, trail or conviction for Natalee Holloway in this case, there is comfort in knowing that he will at least be held accountable for his actions against Stephanie Flores. For this and other news please visit or

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