Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happily Ever After

It's the sort of love story you expect only to happen in the movies.  Hollywood classics where the guy gets the girl...eventually.  Either way, on New York couple will be celebrating their happily ever after this weekend, the catch?  They've been divorced from one another nearly 48 years.

Roland Davis and Lena Henderson
According to reports, "Lena Henderson and Roland Davis got married in Chattanooga, Tenn., while they were still teenagers in 1964.  They had four children during that time, but later divorced.  All these years, the two remained on good terms.  David remarried and Henderson would even give his new wife pointers on how to deal with him."

Davis had relocated to Colorado to be with his wife but after she passed away a few months ago he was speaking with Lena and asked her to marry him over the telephone.  Lena of course accepted his proposal and the wedding for the 85 year old couple will be held Saturday. For more information on this happily ever after please go to the following website below:

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/31/ny-couple-85-to-remarry-after-48-year-divorce/?test=latestnews#ixzz22EfCcRx9

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises....$64 Million

After the deadly shooting in Aurora, Colorado that left several people dead and countless others injured at the hands of gunman James Holmes, Director, creators actors and actresses of the movie have proven that Batman and the America spirit rises.  The movie caught a whopping $64 million at the box offices since opening weekend.

According to a movie review posted by Yahoo, "The movie added another $122.1 million from 17,000 locations in 57 overseas markets, upping its international gross to $248.2 million.  The worldwide gross after two weeks is $537 million for "Dark Knight Rises."

Some had speculated that the movies initial gross would not be has high, especially after the attacks in Colorado.  The film stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman and has some political undertones to it if you watch, and listen, carefully.  For this and more on the box office hits this weekend please go to the following website:

Friday, July 27, 2012

In Hot Water

On the eve of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games scheduled to take place in the historic city of London, England, there are two athletes no one can ignore.  Micheal Phelps, a 14 time gold medalist in swimming, and  Ryan Lochte a basic unknown who is 11 medals behind Phelps.

The two have been sparring with words back and forth since the Olympic try-outs, and Lochte told the press on Thursday, "That was just a little appetizer.  This is the big show.  I wasn't working for the Olympic trails.  I was working for this.  I know I can go a lot faster."
Ryan Lochte

Lochte also stated that he was not at the Olympics to win a bronze or silver medal but to win gold.  Phelps himself had a few comments and acknowledged that winning a gold medal in London "will be a lot more challenging" than it was in Beijing."  Phelps, who became an almost overnight sensation in the swimming world is not known for backing down when facing challenges.  

So who is this Olympian underdog who has suddenly entered the ring and believes he can catch up to Phelps huge win from 2008?  Born in Daytona Beach, Florida Lochte and was coached into swimming by his father Ryan and his mother Ike.  According to Lochte's biography that can be found at: http://ryanlochte.com/bio/: he isn't just a swimmer but a designer who has his own brand of shoe from Speedo. His personality however is perhaps the exact opposite of Phelps.  While competitiveness is important Ryan sees a need to also have fun when he swims.

Somehow, regardless if these two win-lose-or-draw I have a feeling the swimming competition will undoubtedly be the one event that keeps us on the edges of our seats this summer.  Enjoy the Summer Olympics of 2012! Tune in for the opening ceremony tonight.  If you would like to read more about this story please go to the following website.


"I Feel a Need....A Need for Speed!"

25 year old Randy George Scott has a need....a need for speed!  But his need for speed was a need for the local authorities to find him.  The motorcyclist filmed his expedition on Victoria Highway that left other motorists in the dust as he weaved in and out of traffic at an astonishing 186mph.

According to reports, "Scott surrendered to authorities at the Kelowna, B.C., police department on Tuesday.  Canadian law enforcement has issued a warrant for Scott's arrest earlier this month.  "The man allegedly responsible for the infamous YouTube video known as 'Victoria Highway Run 299km' is in custody," Kelowna police said in a statement.  Scott was charged with reckless driving.  The speed limit on the stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway where Scott was allegedly speeding is 50mph."

So, the next time you feel the need to speed, you might want to think about the consequences for just a second.  In the mean time though you can find the video on YouTube or click to play above.  For more on this story please go to the following website. 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Penalties Handed Down to Penn State

There is no doubt that Penn State has taken a huge hit since the admissions of staff that Jerry Sandusky was responsible for countless inappropriate acts with children in the showers of Penn Stadium.

With word spreading that Joe Paterno knew about the alleged sex abuse by Sandusky, the infamous coach whose career had placed the Nittany Lions as the number 1 winning team of college football, dropped to number 12 just.  Several other administration members also knew, but had decided to cover for Sandusky, a mistake that has costed the well-known, aspiring New England University not just its football wins but Joe Paterno his character as well.

Students of Penn State react to NCAA Ruling
According to reports, "NCAA President Mark Emmert informed students through a huge flat-screen television that most of the wins they celebrated no longer count.  Sanctions were handed down for the school's role in covering up former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's child sex crimes."

With news of the recent developments and penalties that were handed down to Penn State students jumped in and commented about their school and to offer condolences to the families affected by Sandusky.  D.J. Newbill a basketball guard told reporters, "Our hearts go out to the victims.  But it's a great school.  It's a great program.  There is still tradition.  It's still our lives.  It's still a good place."

Where do students, faculty and staff of the University go from here?  It's a good question, but as Newbill stated, "It's still a good place," and that good place is a great place to start over.  For more information on the decision by the NCAA please go to the following website:


Tragedy in Aurora

Depsite it's beautiful name there was nothing breathtaking about Aurora, Colorado over the weekend except the news of a masked gunman who opened fire early Saturday morning at a Cinema during the midnight showing of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

James Holmes, 24 in Court
Authorities were quick to apprehend the suspect who left 12 dead and several others severely injured.  According to reports, "James Holmes, 24, who is accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others inside a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colo., will be formally charged next Monday.  he is being held without bond.  Holmes has been held in solitary confinement at the Arapahoe County detention facility since Friday.  He is being held on suspicion of first-degree murder, and he could also face additional counts of aggravated assault and weapons violations.  Authorities say the former graduate student is refusing to cooperate and it could take months to learn what prompted the horrific attack on moviegoers at a midnight screening of the latest Batman film."

Holmes' apartment was also a death trap for emergency crews who had go in with remote control cameras to seek out any sort of incendiary devices.  Law enforcement officials told reporters that they did in fact find multiple booby traps and ammunition as well as 10 gallons of gas that appeared to read to explode.  The source told reporters, "The idea was...he wanted to burn this place down.  And the gas would have made that fast."

Holmes age 24, made his first appearance in court today.  Thoughts and prayers go out for audience members who lost loved ones and friends during the violence.  For more on this story please go to the following website:


Friday, July 20, 2012

Darkness Rises during Dark Knight Showing

Last night in Denver, Colorado movie goers hoping to see the final installment of the Batman franchise The Dark Knight Rises were faced with a real darkness that left 50 people injured and 12 reportedly deceased.

According to reports, "Witnesses say they heard a series of explosions and up to 20 gunshots after the scene grew chaotic.  About 100 witnesses were taken to a local high school to be questioned by police.  Police, ambulances and emergency crews swarmed on the Aurora, Colorado theater after frantic 911 calls around 12:30a.m., local time, officials said."
Theater in Aurora, Colorado

The suspect, 24-year-old James Holmes is in police custody. Authorities told news reporters that Holmes had fired inside the theater and then ran to the parking lot where he was apprehended.  "Holmes wore a bulletproof vest, police said, and was carrying a rifle and two handguns.  The handguns may have been placed in the theater before the shooting."  The Federal Bureau of Investigations is also weighing in on the recent violence, spokesman Jason Pack told reporters, "there's no indication in the investigation so far as any connection to terrorism."

The youngest victim being treated for wounds is a 6 year old.  Many others are in critical condition.  Thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends who lost loved one's in the tragedy.  For more on these events please go to the following website: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/20/several-reportedly-dead-injured-after-shooting-at-colorado-movie-theater/#ixzz21AgaBXnH

Thursday, July 19, 2012

American Ingenuity Brought to You By.....

By now they are probably the most uttered words around the globe.  Making headlines on the evening news programs, circulating the writers desk of numerous magazines and newspapers, but the "You Didn't Build That" statement has become the gaffe of the Presidential campaign.

President Obama delivered the speech in Roanoke, Virginia on Friday in which he stated that everyone had someone to inspire them to do more, create something or helped them along the way.  This included of course, parents, friends, teachers etc... While the message itself had good intentions, and most of it understandable, because we do get our inspiration for new businesses and innovations from those in our lives, it has clearly backfired.

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated, "This is the height of foolishness.  It shows how out of touch he is with the character of America.  When you attack success...you will see under this president less success."  According to reports, "Romney accused Obama of trying to "diminish" individual achievement.  Before he launched into his stump speech, Romney asked members of the audience Wednesday to raise their hands if they run a business.  "Take that, Mr. President," Romney said after the hands went up."

Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod weighted in on Twitter saying, "Isn't it ironic that the guy who sticks his millions in foreign tax havens says the president's views are 'extremely foreign?"

Comments about the tweet?  Well at least Romney is wealthy enough to place his money in foreign banks, but he doesn't want the country that provided him that luxury to lean towards those countries political tendencies. Banking is one thing, being in a position like President is another.  For more on this story please go to: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/18/romney-goes-on-offense-over-jobs-remark/#ixzz210VD6TI7

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How Many Ways Can You Say Busted?

Ohio authorities have arrested a 17-year-old boy for running a multimillion dollar drug ring across two school districts much to the shock of his fellow classmates, teachers and parents.

Yahoo News reported that the, "Ohio police have arrested an alleged drug kingpin, a 17-year-old accused of running a multimillion dollar ring that distributed high-grade marijuana through two school districts and netted $20,000 a month. When cops raided the boy's bedroom at his parents' home, they found over $6,000 in cash, prosecutors said.  Authorities have not released the student's name, because he was a 16-year-old minor at the time he committed the alleged drug deals. Warren County Prosecutor David Fornshell said the boy will be tried as juvenile."

Authorities had been suspicious of the selling of marijuana last year in the Mason County school district for $300-$400 an ounce.  An undercover officer was sent to obtain information about the operation and was able to even purchase drugs within the school system.  The undercover officer later discovered the student behind the operation.  

Six other adults were arrested in connection with the drug ring.  Authorities reported having seized 600 plants with a street value of $3 million.  For more on this store please go to the following website:


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dead Man Tells Tales

A 59-year-old Utah man decided that the best way to confess his trespasses in life was to write his own obituary.

According to reports, "Friends and family of Val Patterson learned Sunday that the man they thought held a doctorate from the University of Utah received the degree thanks to a paperwork mistake and that he never even graduated. Patterson pasted away on July 10th of cancer and apparently wrote the account of his life in first person sometime last fall."

But besides having not graduated from the University of Utah Patterson also claimed that he stole a safe from  an Inn back in 1971.  According to his widow the accounts are all true.  The obituary column can be found in the Salt Lake City Tribune.  For more on this story please go to:


Best Boss Ever!

For their dedicate and loyal services one Denver, Colorado company is providing its employees with a $7,500 paid vacation.  But of course if the deal sounds too good to be true it usually is right?  Well there are some conditions to be able to receive the $7,500 R &R.  

The first is that all employees must go dark.  Meaning they do not text, e-mail, FaceBook, Tweet or do anything electronic for a month.  The second rule is kind of a given, meaning isn't this what vacation is all about?  i.e. Employees must not do any work on the trip.  Finally the employees must go on the trip.  No skipping out.  It is a four-person package to Mexico for one week.

According to the CEO Bart Lorang, "We felt that everyone should have the opportunity to take a nice vacation without constantly worrying about how much money they're spending while on vacation."  If you would like to work for Lorang well you're in luck! The company known as FullContact is currently hiring.  For more information on his story please go to the following website:


Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Early Bird Gets the....$1 Million

Life is soooo tweet! That's right.  If you have a Twitter account you know how busy they can be.  Constant updates, status remarks and supportive comments to/from stars, your favorite author or even musicians.  But Twitter is more than about launching news and updating your plans.  It seems it is also about making some quick cash too.  

Scott & Stacy Ferreira
But that's exactly what happened to two young entrepreneurs Scott Ferreira, 21 and Stacey Ferreira, 19.  The Ferreira's operate MySocialCloud.com which is an app that will allow for its users a safe place to keep their user names and passwords and keep an eye on their internet activity securely. 

According to reports the couple, "responded to a tweet from Richard Branson to meet the billionaire in Miami. Two months later, he became one of the company’s investors. “I was taking a break from working and I decided to check my Twitter,” says Stacey, adding that she didn’t regularly check her account. When she logged on, she saw a tweet from Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, who was offering a chance for people to fly to Miami and meet him for cocktails if they would donate $2,000 to his charity, Free the Children."

The Ferreira's did exactly that, securing a $4,000 loan from their family and two days after the tweet-invite were in Florida.  Once there they were invited to two parties where Richard Branson was present and got to pitch their app and ideas to him in person.  They did not leave empty handed but with Branson's contact information and once they were back in L.A. kept in touch.  Branson later informed the couple that he would like to invest in their company.  

Stacy Ferreira advises, "I guess the biggest thing that I would advise [fellow young entrepreneurs] is take every opportunity."  For more on this story please go to the following website:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bonnie & Clyde Auctioned Off

Bonnie Park & Clyde Barrow
In the 1930s the United States was the place to hear about gangsters like Lester "Baby Face" Nelson and Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd.  But no gangsters name is as synonymous with the word "legend" like Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.

The American outlaws weapons of choice were a .38 caliber for Bonnie and a .45 caliber of the same make for Clyde.   An auction official estimated that the guns could bring anywhere between $100,000 and $200,000 in September.  The auction will be held in New Hampshire.

According to the article, "They were pretty famous in their moment and I think that's lasted through time," said Bobby Livingston, vice president of RR Auction in Amherst, N.H."  Other items will also be going up for sale of the infamous outlaws including a gold pocket watch Clyde was wearing when he died and a cosmetics case of Bonnie's.    

For a complete list of items and more on this story please go to the following link:


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fired due to Stink-Eye

Sure we've all had those annoying ring tones to disturb us when we are sitting in important meetings, trying to enjoy a movie at the local theater, even while we are trying to dine with friends or family.  One lady lost her job just by giving an "stink eye" to a Yoga class attendee.

Yoga instructor Alice Van Ness told ABC News, "It's about respect for instructor, and those in class."  According to the Yahoo News report, "Up until a few weeks ago, Van Ness taught yoga to Facebook employees at the company's Bay Area campus. But an etiquette conflict between the ancient practice and the modern world changed all that, she said."  

The incident occurred when a Face Book employee had decided to "text" while relaxing.  Van Ness proceeded to give the attendee the "stink eye" and has since been fired from her employer "Plus One Health Management, the parent company that operates Facebook Fitness Center, just two weeks after the incident. "

Van Ness' class policy, like most others, includes a "no cell phone" policy.  Some may argue that due to the ladies profession working for a high-tech company like Face Book that timely responses to necessary to e-mail, phone messages etc... However, Face Book spokesperson told the press that employees are not required to have their phones on during business hours.  

To read more about Van Ness and Face Book's response please go to:


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Kids Are Off Limits"

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a warning for gangs: "Stay away from our kids."  

Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel
According to reports, the Mayor of President Obama's hometown of Chicago told CBS evening news, "We've got two gang-bangers, one standing next to a kid. Get away from that kid. Take your stuff away to the alley. Don't touch the children of the city of Chicago. Don't get near them. And it is about values. ... And I don't buy this case where people say they don't have values. They do have values. They have the wrong values. Don't come near the kids—don't touch them."  

The interesting interview has been reacted to by radio hosts such as right wing conservative Rush Limbaugh and countless others.  Many not being able to believe that "gang-bangers" as Emanuel refers to them have morals, much less can make moral decisions for themselves not to put others in danger or harms way.

Emanuel's interview with CBS comes on the heels of a report that showed Chicago's murder rate to be extremely high.  Emanuel is just 13-months into his term as Mayor of the city and is facing the fact that there were 275 murders just last year.  According to Emanuel, the city of Chicago has refocused its energy on preventing gang violence and believe that the murder rate is so high because of the city's image.

For more about Rahm Emanuel and his term as Mayor of Chicago please go to the following link:


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The $17 Million Question

Georgia native Aubrey Lee Price, age 47 disappeared in mid-June among reports by friends that he was suicidal.  Price, a money manager, told  acquaintances  that he had lost a large account and was thinking of jumping off a ferry boat.  

According to authorities Price was last seen, "boarding a ferry boat in Key West bound for Fort Myers on June 16. A Coast Guard search has not turned up a body.  Last week, the Department of Justice charged Price with embezzling millions from a small southern Georgia bank he took over in December 2010."
Aubrey Lee Price (Left)

With no body it is unclear whether Price actually committed suicide or if he has made off with $17 million in cash.  A woman who had invested a total of $364,000 with Price says that she does not believe the man is dead, but instead trying to fool everyone.  She added that Price was "the best actor."

The Justice Department issued the following statement on the charges against Price, "The complaint alleges that, instead of investing the money as promised, Price fraudulently wired the bank's funds to accounts that he personally controlled at other financial institutions and provided bank management with altered documents to make it appear as if he had invested the bank's money in Treasury securities."  

For more information, or to provide an answer to this $17 million questions please go to the following link: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/manhunt-georgia-money-manager-accused-embezzling-millions-144304657.html

Monday, July 09, 2012

Claim to Fame

71 year old Mike Hastings might not have been driving around England greeting his loyal subjects, but some historians argue that this mans claim to fame was his link to the British throne.  Hastings reportedly passed away yesterday at his home in South Wales.

Mike Hastings, 71
According to reports, "He made international headlines in 2004 when a documentary team from Britain's Channel Four conducted extensive research into the monarchy and concluded his ancestors were cheated out of the crown in the 15th century. Hastings was a descendant of England's House of York, whose dynastic struggle with the House of Lancaster became known as the Wars of the Roses and was dramatised by William Shakespeare."

Despite the research and televised account of the findings Hastings never appeared interested in going after his rightful title to the British monarchy.  Instead he joked about his position and stated, "I reckon I might send Lizzie (Queen Elizabeth II) a bill for back rent. The old girl's family have been living in my bloody castle for the last 500 years."  

For more on Hastings life and this story please go to the following website: http://news.yahoo.com/rightful-heir-british-monarchy-dies-australia-101205966.html

Friday, July 06, 2012

Bumped Off

You know that familiar "dail-up" sound when you log onto the World Wide Web?  Well on Monday that sound may be long gone.  For months the government has been discussing shutting down its internet protection equipment.  The FBI has since set up a website for support while blogs, twitter, FaceBooka and Google try to alert the general public.

According to reports, "Despite repeated alerts, the number of computers that probably are infected is more than 277,000 worldwide, down from about 360,000 in April.  Of those still infected, the FBI believes that about 64,000 are in the United States.  Users whose computers are still infected Monday will lose their ability to go online, and they will have t call their service providers for help deleting the malware and reconnecting the Internet."

So how do you keep from being bumped off the Internet?  All computer users can go to the following website to get their computer tested to see if they are infected with this particular malware: http://www.dcwg.org.

For more on this story please go to the following article: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/07/05/malware-may-knock-thousands-off-internet-on-monday/#ixzz1zkVNZ8Aj

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The God Particle

According to reports scientists have found what they believe to be a particle that is similar to the long-sought Higgs boson aka the God Particle.  

"To cheers and standing ovations from scientists, the world's biggest atom smasher claimed the discovery of a new subatomic particle Wednesday, calling it "consistent" with the long-sought Higgs boson -- popularly known as the "God particle" -- that helps explain what gives all matter in the universe size and shape.  "We have now found the missing cornerstone of particle physics," Rolf Heuer, director of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), told scientists."

The phrase "God particle" was actually coined by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman.  Despite the discovery scientists do not know what type of Higgs boson the particle actually is but until now the particle has been all theoretical.   According to the report the Higgs boson, "is seen as the key to our understanding of why matter has mass, which combines with gravity to give an object weight. The idea is much like gravity and Isaac Newton's discovery of it: Gravity was there all the time before Newton explained it. But now scientists know what a boson is and can put that knowledge to further use."

To learn more about the experiment and this recent discovery please go to:

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Andy Griffith Dies at 86

The lovable Sheriff Taylor has been welcomed into millions of homes over the last fifty-two years.  Andy Griffith made the role famous and put his home town in the Piedmont triad of North Carolina, Mount Airy, on the map.

Dare County Sheriff Doug Doughtie told the press that 86-year-old Griffith had passed away at his home "at 
about 7 a.m. in Manteo, Dare County."

Andy Griffith, 1926-2012
Several people discussed the importance of the Andy Griffith Show including Craig Fincannon who said, "I see so many TV shows about the South where the creative powers behind it have no life experience in the South.  What made 'The Andy Griffith Show' work was Andy Griffith himself--the fact that he was of this dirt and had such deep respect for the people and places of his childhood.  A character might be broadly eccentric, but the character had an ethical and moral base that allowed us to laugh with them and not at them.  And Andy Griffith's the reason for that."

Ron Howard, who played Oppie Taylor, Andy's son the series offered his condolences to the family by taking to Twitter.  The Andy Griffith museum in Mount Airy, North Carolina saw visitors throughout the day and with news of his death local news crews were out interviewing citizens and getting their take on Andy's life, acting career and legacy.  Many heartfelt condolences go out to the Griffith family.

To read more about Andy Griffith and over-half-a-century career in acting please go to the following link:

 Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/07/03/legendary-television-actor-andy-griffith-dead-at-86-report-says/#ixzz1zbtGzkdQ

To visit the Andy Griffith Museum website please go to: http://www.andygriffithmuseum.com/

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Higher Education

The Learning Center in Langhorne, Pennsylvania has decided that instead of asking for help from local community leaders and other fundraising sources that they will instead be auctioning themselves off....on eBay.  Bidding begins at $600,000 according to sources.  

Principal JoAnn Holland told reporters, "I know it's crazy.  But with the good The Learning Center does, it's crazier not to do it."  

The article stated, "The idea came from recent graduate Casey Young, who knows a bit about unusual auctions: His dad, a writer, tried to sell their family on eBay in 2003.  The ad was eventually yanked because the company prohibits selling human beings, but the stunt received a lot of publicity." 

So does this mean that if you bid and win you get the school?  Well....not exactly.  The winner of the bidding will get the opportunity to name the school, win a multitude of prizes including a free large pizza, personalized school coffee mug and the chance to deliver a speech at the schools graduation.

To learn more about the auction and how you can help The Learning Center, please go to the website  below:


Sunday, July 01, 2012

10 Million Reasons to Stay in the Game

Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson just gave the GOP $10 million in reasons as to why they should stay in the election game.  According to reports the money was provided to "Kouch brothers' efforts to elect Republicans and oust President Obama and other Democrats--forging perhaps the most powerful, well-financed political fundraising machine of 2012."  

Sheldon Adelson
Adelson reportedly gave $10 million to the Restore Our Future, a super P.A.C. (political action committee) earlier this year.  Both Charles and David Kouch are billionaire oil executives and libertarians.  

It was stated by FoxNews.com that, "Among the others who contributed at the summit was personal-investment tycoon Charles Schwab, who committed to a seven-figure donation.  Also at the summit, the brothers announced a new candidate training academy, grassroots Institute, according to POLITICO."  

To read more about this story please go to: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/30/gop-backer-casino-mogul-adelson-reportedly-gave-10-m-to-koch-brothers-efforts/#ixzz1zKljlyA4