Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fired due to Stink-Eye

Sure we've all had those annoying ring tones to disturb us when we are sitting in important meetings, trying to enjoy a movie at the local theater, even while we are trying to dine with friends or family.  One lady lost her job just by giving an "stink eye" to a Yoga class attendee.

Yoga instructor Alice Van Ness told ABC News, "It's about respect for instructor, and those in class."  According to the Yahoo News report, "Up until a few weeks ago, Van Ness taught yoga to Facebook employees at the company's Bay Area campus. But an etiquette conflict between the ancient practice and the modern world changed all that, she said."  

The incident occurred when a Face Book employee had decided to "text" while relaxing.  Van Ness proceeded to give the attendee the "stink eye" and has since been fired from her employer "Plus One Health Management, the parent company that operates Facebook Fitness Center, just two weeks after the incident. "

Van Ness' class policy, like most others, includes a "no cell phone" policy.  Some may argue that due to the ladies profession working for a high-tech company like Face Book that timely responses to necessary to e-mail, phone messages etc... However, Face Book spokesperson told the press that employees are not required to have their phones on during business hours.  

To read more about Van Ness and Face Book's response please go to:

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