Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Higher Education

The Learning Center in Langhorne, Pennsylvania has decided that instead of asking for help from local community leaders and other fundraising sources that they will instead be auctioning themselves off....on eBay.  Bidding begins at $600,000 according to sources.  

Principal JoAnn Holland told reporters, "I know it's crazy.  But with the good The Learning Center does, it's crazier not to do it."  

The article stated, "The idea came from recent graduate Casey Young, who knows a bit about unusual auctions: His dad, a writer, tried to sell their family on eBay in 2003.  The ad was eventually yanked because the company prohibits selling human beings, but the stunt received a lot of publicity." 

So does this mean that if you bid and win you get the school?  Well....not exactly.  The winner of the bidding will get the opportunity to name the school, win a multitude of prizes including a free large pizza, personalized school coffee mug and the chance to deliver a speech at the schools graduation.

To learn more about the auction and how you can help The Learning Center, please go to the website  below:


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