Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happily Ever After

It's the sort of love story you expect only to happen in the movies.  Hollywood classics where the guy gets the girl...eventually.  Either way, on New York couple will be celebrating their happily ever after this weekend, the catch?  They've been divorced from one another nearly 48 years.

Roland Davis and Lena Henderson
According to reports, "Lena Henderson and Roland Davis got married in Chattanooga, Tenn., while they were still teenagers in 1964.  They had four children during that time, but later divorced.  All these years, the two remained on good terms.  David remarried and Henderson would even give his new wife pointers on how to deal with him."

Davis had relocated to Colorado to be with his wife but after she passed away a few months ago he was speaking with Lena and asked her to marry him over the telephone.  Lena of course accepted his proposal and the wedding for the 85 year old couple will be held Saturday. For more information on this happily ever after please go to the following website below:

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/31/ny-couple-85-to-remarry-after-48-year-divorce/?test=latestnews#ixzz22EfCcRx9

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