Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Kids Are Off Limits"

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a warning for gangs: "Stay away from our kids."  

Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel
According to reports, the Mayor of President Obama's hometown of Chicago told CBS evening news, "We've got two gang-bangers, one standing next to a kid. Get away from that kid. Take your stuff away to the alley. Don't touch the children of the city of Chicago. Don't get near them. And it is about values. ... And I don't buy this case where people say they don't have values. They do have values. They have the wrong values. Don't come near the kids—don't touch them."  

The interesting interview has been reacted to by radio hosts such as right wing conservative Rush Limbaugh and countless others.  Many not being able to believe that "gang-bangers" as Emanuel refers to them have morals, much less can make moral decisions for themselves not to put others in danger or harms way.

Emanuel's interview with CBS comes on the heels of a report that showed Chicago's murder rate to be extremely high.  Emanuel is just 13-months into his term as Mayor of the city and is facing the fact that there were 275 murders just last year.  According to Emanuel, the city of Chicago has refocused its energy on preventing gang violence and believe that the murder rate is so high because of the city's image.

For more about Rahm Emanuel and his term as Mayor of Chicago please go to the following link:

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