Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The $17 Million Question

Georgia native Aubrey Lee Price, age 47 disappeared in mid-June among reports by friends that he was suicidal.  Price, a money manager, told  acquaintances  that he had lost a large account and was thinking of jumping off a ferry boat.  

According to authorities Price was last seen, "boarding a ferry boat in Key West bound for Fort Myers on June 16. A Coast Guard search has not turned up a body.  Last week, the Department of Justice charged Price with embezzling millions from a small southern Georgia bank he took over in December 2010."
Aubrey Lee Price (Left)

With no body it is unclear whether Price actually committed suicide or if he has made off with $17 million in cash.  A woman who had invested a total of $364,000 with Price says that she does not believe the man is dead, but instead trying to fool everyone.  She added that Price was "the best actor."

The Justice Department issued the following statement on the charges against Price, "The complaint alleges that, instead of investing the money as promised, Price fraudulently wired the bank's funds to accounts that he personally controlled at other financial institutions and provided bank management with altered documents to make it appear as if he had invested the bank's money in Treasury securities."  

For more information, or to provide an answer to this $17 million questions please go to the following link: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/manhunt-georgia-money-manager-accused-embezzling-millions-144304657.html

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