Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises....$64 Million

After the deadly shooting in Aurora, Colorado that left several people dead and countless others injured at the hands of gunman James Holmes, Director, creators actors and actresses of the movie have proven that Batman and the America spirit rises.  The movie caught a whopping $64 million at the box offices since opening weekend.

According to a movie review posted by Yahoo, "The movie added another $122.1 million from 17,000 locations in 57 overseas markets, upping its international gross to $248.2 million.  The worldwide gross after two weeks is $537 million for "Dark Knight Rises."

Some had speculated that the movies initial gross would not be has high, especially after the attacks in Colorado.  The film stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman and has some political undertones to it if you watch, and listen, carefully.  For this and more on the box office hits this weekend please go to the following website:

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