Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Penalties Handed Down to Penn State

There is no doubt that Penn State has taken a huge hit since the admissions of staff that Jerry Sandusky was responsible for countless inappropriate acts with children in the showers of Penn Stadium.

With word spreading that Joe Paterno knew about the alleged sex abuse by Sandusky, the infamous coach whose career had placed the Nittany Lions as the number 1 winning team of college football, dropped to number 12 just.  Several other administration members also knew, but had decided to cover for Sandusky, a mistake that has costed the well-known, aspiring New England University not just its football wins but Joe Paterno his character as well.

Students of Penn State react to NCAA Ruling
According to reports, "NCAA President Mark Emmert informed students through a huge flat-screen television that most of the wins they celebrated no longer count.  Sanctions were handed down for the school's role in covering up former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's child sex crimes."

With news of the recent developments and penalties that were handed down to Penn State students jumped in and commented about their school and to offer condolences to the families affected by Sandusky.  D.J. Newbill a basketball guard told reporters, "Our hearts go out to the victims.  But it's a great school.  It's a great program.  There is still tradition.  It's still our lives.  It's still a good place."

Where do students, faculty and staff of the University go from here?  It's a good question, but as Newbill stated, "It's still a good place," and that good place is a great place to start over.  For more information on the decision by the NCAA please go to the following website:


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