Sunday, July 01, 2012

10 Million Reasons to Stay in the Game

Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson just gave the GOP $10 million in reasons as to why they should stay in the election game.  According to reports the money was provided to "Kouch brothers' efforts to elect Republicans and oust President Obama and other Democrats--forging perhaps the most powerful, well-financed political fundraising machine of 2012."  

Sheldon Adelson
Adelson reportedly gave $10 million to the Restore Our Future, a super P.A.C. (political action committee) earlier this year.  Both Charles and David Kouch are billionaire oil executives and libertarians.  

It was stated by that, "Among the others who contributed at the summit was personal-investment tycoon Charles Schwab, who committed to a seven-figure donation.  Also at the summit, the brothers announced a new candidate training academy, grassroots Institute, according to POLITICO."  

To read more about this story please go to:

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