Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Earhart Mystery Takes a Dive

To American women everywhere Amelia Earhart was the daredevil of her time. Now a search for her by a team of scientists and historians will coincide with the 75th anniversary of her disappearance. Many believe Earhart survived her final flight and managed to land her plane on an island with her navigator Fred Noonan. According to reports the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has decided to dive into the mystery. "Clinton will meet Tuesday with historians and scientists from The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery, which is launching a new search in June for the wreckage of Earhart's Lockheed Electra plane off the remote island of Nikumaroro, in what is now the Pacific nation of Kiribati." For this and other news on the research and mystery of Amelia Earhart you can go to the following link: http://news.yahoo.com/clinton-wades-amelia-earhart-mystery-052516853.html or visit www.foxnews.com or www.cnn.com.

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