Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Super Tuesday Success

With Super Tuesday here it is easy to understand why candidates for the Republican Party are scrambling to get in air time on some of the 24 hour news networks, shaking hands at public events and delivering messages that outline their platforms and ultimate goal of being elected as President of the United States.

But will Super Tuesday be a big win for candidates like Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum or will it prove to be an upset and actually leave Republicans scratching their heads? Many feel this will be the decisive moment of the two-month-old campaign, siting that ten states in total are taking to the polls.

Many others feel that Ohio will be the ultimate decision maker. Reports from foxnews.com stated that both Romney and Santorum are going all out in Ohio trying to get in the last minute votes. Romney told foxnews.com, "I hope that I get the support of people here in Ohio tomorrow, and in other states across the country. I believe if I do, I'll get the nomination." For this and more news on Super Tuesday please go to www.foxnews.com, www.cnn.com, or www.msnbc.com.

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