Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sign of the Times-Part 2

Yesterday I posted a story about a young boy residing in Miami, Florida who's parents had decided to punish him for his bad grades by making him hold up a sign on the side of a road saying that he was a class clown and that's why he received 'F's for the term.

I need to be clear that I have a background in education and it appears to me that time provided to the child at home, or at the school, with a tutor/practice material in the subjects that he is failing over the break would be more beneficial than having him to stand on a street corner all day with a sign and having strangers to honk at him.

No one is perfect, no one has ever made straight A's all through school, including myself. Yes, that's right, I will admit to the occasional bad grade especially in elementary. And often there is a reason for a child to goof-off in class. Either they find the material boring and need to be challenged, or they are having some difficulty within their personal lives and seek attention regardless if it be negative or positive.

Granted that an 'F' is the last thing any parents wishes to see a child come home with. I believe there was a lack of communication between the parents and the school. Which begs the questions of why did the teachers not speak to the parents about their concerns in regards to this particular student and his grades before the report cards were issued? Why did they not provide the parents with different strategies they could implement to assist him in raising his grades before the break, or at least by the end of the year? These are things we should be asking ourselves when it comes to our children's education but the most important thing is to stay involved as parents, as well as educators.

For this and more news on education please go to www.ed.gov.

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