Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Southern Showdown

With any luck the next round of primaries in Alabama and Mississippi, will help to thin the herd of GOP candidates seeking office and the ability to push forward to the general election. While Romney exudes the confidence he needs not to win the Southern states stating that John McCain did not win either of them in the 2008 primaries, Santorum and Gingrich both need to show a strong footing in the states to remain serious contenders and to gain the delegates needed. Santorum contends that Romney needs to win over the Evangelical voters in order to succeed in the southern states.

According to reports: "Evangelical voters play an outsized role in both state primaries. Four years ago, 77 percent of GOP primary voters in Alabama and 69 percent in Mississippi said they were born again or evangelicals, a group that Romney has struggled to bring to his side in the primaries. His best showing in a contested primary was 38 percent in Florida."

Will this be the southern showdown members of the GOP are hoping for? Or will it just cause more confusion and chaos amongst the party causing us to lose sight of what is really on the line? Our country. For this and other news please go to www.cnn.com, www.msnbc.com or to read further about the primaries go to the following link provided at foxnews.com:

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