Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Standoff with a Killer

French police found themselves in a standoff with the gunman, and possible Al-Queda suspect, who barricaded himself in an apartment building after reportedly shooting seven children that were attending a school in Toulous. The suspect is claiming to be Mohammad Merah, an escapee from a prison in the Kandhair province back in 2008. Merah shot seven students attending a French school. According to "Hundreds of riot police poured in to surround the building in the southwestern city of Toulous after three police officers were wounded in the failed initial attempt to arrest the 24-year-old Frenchman of Algerian descent. After hours of trying to persuade him to surrender, police evacuated the five-story building, escorting residents out using the roof and fire truck ladders." President Nicolas Sarkozy remains adamant that the French will not allow terrorism to divide their country. To read more about the incidient please go to the following link below or to or

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