Thursday, March 01, 2012

Lincoln's Day Too

President's Day has always been reserved for February 21st, but that could soon change. Some lawmakers are pushing for the day to be moved to February 22nd. The push has historians and educators alike crying out for the 16th President of our nation to have his own day in the spotlight. Is there something wrong with that?

Being a Lincoln buff and having read most books on our nation's Civil War leader I say absolutely not. Usually my opinion's do not enter into my blogs but the truth is I see nothing wrong with Lincoln having a day just as Washington does or Martin Luther King Jr.

David Blanchette a spokesman for the Lincoln Presidential Library stated, "If Washington is going to be singled out, we certainly think Lincoln should have his own day as well, the two presidents who have most shaped the country as we know it today are George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, so we think it's certainly appropriate to honor both individuals on their specific birthdays equally." Maybe someday....if we're patient....Lincoln will have his day too.

If you would like to read more about the issue please go to, or

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