Tuesday, March 27, 2012

No-bama Care?

This week the Supreme Court is faced with a historical and monumental task. It is up to the court to decide whether or not the Obama healthcare plan is Constitutional; more importantly if the individual mandate within that bill is Constitutional. The individual mandate according to the bill is, "the provision in the law requiring Americans to buy health insurance." There is no question about the significance of the bill, if struck down the measure will unravel one of the President's largest domestic policies during his first term in office. To determine the Constitutionality of the bill the judges will be looking at various laws already in existence in the U.S. such as the the Commerce Clause, the Necessary and Proper Clause and the federal government's taxing power. The argument against the individual mandate is that the federal government may have the authority to regulate commerce within the U.S. but should not have the right to force individuals into the market place to purchase a product(s) they may not want. To learn more about this Supreme Court case please go to the link below or visit www.cnn.com or www.msnbc.com.

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