Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Super Split

As predicted last night's Super Tuesday primaries were just as confusing as those prior to them. For those who thought it would give a clear and concise picture of the race and who would represent the Republican Party in the 2012 Presidential Election it became even more muddled by Santorum's wins in N.D., O.K., and T.N. Newt Gingrich even showed some progress in the polls in Georgia's primary. Overall though one can certainly argue that it was Mitt Romney's night. The former Governor of Mass. walked away with Alaska, Idaho, and yes Massachusetts to name a few. But what does this mean for the rest of the primaries? What will it mean for the Republican Party nomination? Will Romney hold firm or will his delegate count get snatched up last second by another candidate? For this and more on Super Tuesday please go to, or

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