Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Santorum Sweeps South

Rick Santorum was looking for victory this past week in both the Alabama and Mississippi primaries, and victory is exactly what he got. However, Santorum's competition former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney pulled in a lead winning Hawaii's primary creating for himself a slight lead in the race. So is this the sweeping victory the GOP had hoped for, the victory that would ultimately in some way define the race and finally give us a front runner for the general election? As it has been with the former primaries and caucus' of the past few months the answer is still "no". There is no clear front runner in the GOP, so it appears that it is once again up to Florida and the delegates to decide. When speaking of his wins in the two southern states Santorum told reporters, ""We will compete everywhere. The time is now for conservatives to pull together." As for the third candidate, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, he has decided yet again to remain despite his campaigns loses in both states this Tuesday. For this and other news please go to, or

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