Monday, March 12, 2012

'Sign' of the Times

March is often the time for school children and even college students across the nation to be thinking about 'Spring Break' and not about 'grades'. Well, at least, that is probably not what 7th grader Michael Bell Jr. had intended to be thinking about any way. The 7th grader from Miami, Florida has been prescribed a punishment by his parents that truly is a sign of the times.

Michael Bell Jr. is currently spending his Spring Break not at the pool or playing video games with friends but instead he is holding a sign on a street corner detailing his failures in school. Bell's report card not only obtained failing grades but according to his teachers he was the class cut-up. According to reports the sign reads: the front of Michael's sign reads: "Hey, I want to be a class clown. Is it wrong?" The back of the sign says: "I'm in the 7th grade and got 3 F's. Blow your horn if there's something wrong with that."

Both of Michael's parents are with him and help him through the day, this is the only way his father and mother feel they are going to reach him about the seriousness of his studies and how they impact his future.

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