Monday, April 30, 2012

Show Me Your Teeth

When Marek Olszewski age 45 entered his ex-girlfriends dentist office to solve his tooth ache there is a good chance that he had no idea of the head ache he would be getting instead. 

Olszewski's girlfriend Anna Mackowiak age 34 agreed to assist him with his problem however, despite her best attempts to remain completely professional she had a change of heart once her ex was in the chair.

According to reports, "That’s when Mackowiak allegedly gave Olszweski a massive dose of anesthetic and took out every single one of his teeth.  After the procedure, she wrapped his jaw in bandages to keep him from opening his mouth – and then she left.  According to the New York Daily News, Olszewski knew something was wrong as soon as he woke up, but he didn’t realize the full horror until he got home and looked in his mirror." 

Mackowiak is being investigated for medical malpractice and could face up to 3 years in jail if sentenced.

The moral of this story.........well I'll let you decide.  For more about this story go to the following link:

Underdog Take All

Newt Gingrich
Republican candidate for U.S. President and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has decided that after several long months of campaigning and very few states under his political belt he will be calling off his 2012 bid for the White House this week.

Gingrich had vowed to stay in the campaign even after the South Carolina primary which upset and even caused some confusion amongst the GOP.  Gingrich has however stayed on the campaign trail through North Carolina making several stops in the Tar Heel State from the Piedmont to the mountain areas this past week.

Sources told reporters that Gingrich will officially be bowing out on Wednesday, "Gingrich is leaving the race after struggling to follow up his comeback victory in the January South Carolina primary. Gingrich went on to win his home state of Georgia, but watched as Santorum won far more states and emerged as the Republicans' most viable alternative to Romney."

Rep. Ron Paul
Political analysis have also stated that Newt is taking a financial hit by staying active in the race.  With Gingrich about to throw in the towel that means the only other Romney opponent is U.S. Representative Ron Paul from Texas.

One of the most critical staring contest in history has been without a doubt between Paul and Gingrich.  However, Representative Paul appears to have won the staring contest.  Paul has been the underdog from the beginning of the primaries, but his finances appear to be well in the black as supporters continue to donate money to his campaign and push him through to the convention and shows no signs of slowing down.  Fox News announced late last week that Paul would no doubt be on the ballot at the GOP Convention in Florida.

Ron Paul's continued presence in the race is proof that the race is not really over, until it's over.  To read more about Gingrich stepping down please go to the following link:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Time to Outlaw Dodgeball

Preston Hodge, Age 14
Dodge ball is a past time that we as children learned to deal with while participating in Physical Education classes. 

The old saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" often does not apply when a coach or a teacher, provides your bully with a weapon.  14 year old Preston Hodge of Oklahoma is just one example of how far bullying can go and how much teachers need to be aware of the problems before they start. 

According to reports from, "Preston Hodge, 14, suffered broken cheekbones, severe cuts and possible internal injuries in the fight Tuesday during lunch recess at Longfellow Middle School in Enid, about 90 miles north of Oklahoma City. A teacher supervising the playground eventually broke up the fight, according to the station." 

Witnesses say that Hodge and his aggressor had gotten into a confrontation during the game in which Hodge pushed him and swore. 

However, there are still questions that need to be addressed such as how many children were on the playground?  Were there sufficient number of teachers or eyes on the children from various viewpoints to have prevented such an attack?

Enid Public School superintendent Shawn Hines told reporters, "Nothing is more important than the safety of our students.  The EPS Police Department is investigating the situation and legal charges are pending. Our thoughts and prayers are with the student as he recovers from his injuries."


Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's Mother Nature's Fault

There is no denying that unemployment claims have dipped or rose over the last couple of years.  What needs to be noted however, is the hard fact that most individuals who are unemployed cannot receive benefits and therefore are not counted among the unemployment rate.  Nor are individuals who have completely stopped looking for work and have decided to ride the economic waves until things pick up.  

Officials released new data showing that the unemployment rate was once again near a 3-month high.  According to reports, "The Labor Department said Thursday that weekly applications dipped 1,000 to a seasonally adjusted 388,000. It was little changed from the previous week's figure, the highest since Jan. 7."  Employers created nearly 120,000 jobs in the month of March, despite the additional opportunities hiring was still slow. 

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke agrees with officials at the Labor Department that perhaps Mother Nature is to blame.  Their reasoning?  Bernanke stated that "perhaps [the weather made] January and February artificially strong and March perhaps artificially a little bit weak."  

 Whether the current economic climate is Mother Natures fault or not there is no denying that the unemployment rate is 8.2%.  Although it is down from 9.1% it is still important to keep in mind all of the claims that have gone un-filed, those who cannot receive benefits and individuals who have stopped looking altogether which could make that rate much higher. 

 For this and other news please go to, or  To read more about the latest data from the Labor Department please go to:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Proof of Life?

Madeleine McCann Age 3

On May 3, 2007 Madeline McCann, a 3 year old toddler, went missing from her parents vacation rental home while they were dining just 500 feet away.  Police investigators now believe they have their "best opportunity" yet to find Madeleine alive and ask for any information leading to her whereabouts.   

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood stated that after a review of the evidence that he and the team of officers dedicated to the case are looking to bring closure to the family.

 According to reports Redwood also told the BBC, "I am satisfied that the systems and processes that we are bringing to this set of circumstances will give us the best opportunity to find those investigative opportunities that we can then present to our colleagues in Portugal."

British authorities are urging Portugal to re-open the case of Madeleine McCann believing that they have close to 200 leads that might help them to find the girl alive.  Police have released an age progression image of Maddy showing what she would look like at the age of 9. 

However, the case does not continue without a price.  While authorities try to filter through the evidence and numerous leads in hopes of finding Madeleine the British taxpayers are being charged $3.2 million.  Madeleine's family however, are glad that they are no longer viewed as suspects in their daughters disappearance but that the police are now focusing all their attention on what happened and finding their daughter hopefully alive and well. 

To read more about Madeleine McCann please go to the following link:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mr. Bates gets Rebates

The classic Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho made audiences sat perched on the edge of their theater seats and gasp in shock once they discovered who was behind the murders at the Bates Motel.  But of course everyone suspected it was the mother, but what they did not expect was that Norman Bates was his mother. 

Norman Bates portrayed by Anthony Perkins
The same scenario played out for an New York City man who decided to dress up and appear as his deceased mother, but not to murder innocent travelers, but to continue to receive her Social Security benefits and rental assistance.  

According to reports, "Thomas Prusik-Parkin is accused of collecting Irene Prusik's government benefits and rent subsidies for six years after her 2003 death -- with the help of a wig, some nail polish, a scarf and his mom's favorite bright-red dress." For now this particular Mr. Bates will not be able to receive any further rebates from his deceased mother or on the tax-payer dollar. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Washed Away

It was perhaps one of the most significant and major environmental events to occur in the 21st Century.  The March 2011 tsunami devastated and displaced several people from their homes and even washed away some of their belongings.  For Misaki Murakami one of his most prized positions, a soccer ball was among those items that had been swept away.

David Baxter & wife Yumi
The soccer ball had been a good bye gift when he had transferred to another school and was inscribed with an inspiring message. However, the ball was found in Alaska.  According to reports, "David Baxter, a radar technician from Kasilof, Alaska, found Murakami's ball while beachcombing with a friend in March on Middleton Island, 70 miles south of the Alaskan mainland."  Mr. Baxer told the Associated Press via e-mail that, "when I first saw the soccer ball I was excited to see it and I thought it was possible it came from the tsunami zone."

David Baxter and his wife (photo left) plan to visit Japan in May but do not want to give the soccer ball to Murakami in person for fear of making too much of a fuss.  But Murakami did thank the couple for taking the time to find him.  The couple also found a volley ball but have not been able to locate its owner.  For more on this story please go to:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mmmm...Mmmm....Mmmm.....I'm.....NOT Lovigng It

When we hear that catchy lyric from our car radio or television sets we instantly associate it with the golden arch restaurant. The theme "I'm lovign' it," has propelled McDonald's into the 21st century and captivated an entirely new customer base of young people for yet another generation. But there was nothing to love about a South Carolina McDonald's employees service, especially when that service came with 'spit' and not extra fries.

According to reports from Greenville Police, "19-year-old Marvin Washington Jr. was arrested Wednesday and charged with malicious tampering with food.

Greenville County investigators say surveillance video caught Washington leaning over the cups before he filled them Saturday at the Simpsonville restaurant. Authorities say the customers discovered phlegm when they removed the lids of the drinks to add more sugar because the iced tea still was not sweet enough."

John Kennedy, the owner, encourages people not to make any quick judgements until all of the facts are learned by authorities and stated his customers safety was his top priority. It is not certain whether or not Mr. Washington has obtained legal counsel in this matter but he has been released on $5,000 bond.

To read more about about the "not loving it" incidient please go to the following link: or visit, or for more news.

American Icon

Dick Clark the legendary "American Band Stand" host and "Rockin' New Years Eve" creator passed away yesterday, April 18th at the of 82. Clark suffered a massive heart attack leaving his fans, admirers and loved one's in mourning and remembering the entertainer and true American icon that he was.

According to reports Clark was well known as, "the world's oldest teenager" because of his boyish appearance, Clark bridged the rebellious new music scene and traditional show business, and equally comfortable whether chatting about music with Sam Cooke or bantering with Ed McMahon about TV bloopers. He long championed black singers by playing the original R&B versions of popular songs, rather than the pop cover."

In 2004 Clark suffered a stroke, the following New Years Eve American Idol host Ryan Seacrest took over as host of the "Rockin' New Years Eve" show on NBC.

Clark continues to be just as influential on upcoming generations as he was during his stint on Band Stand. His voice and his smile will be greatly missed this New Year.

Dick Clark is survived by his son Richard Augustus II, whom he had with his first wife Barbara Mallery and two children, Duane and Cindy, with second wife Loretta Martin. He married Kari Wigton in 1977.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Taxmageddon for Taxpayers

The fiasco known as "Taxmageddon" broke news early this morning and has a lot of tax payers and Washington office holders shaking their heads. By the end of 2012 American taxpayers could be staring down a long barrel, the cost? $500 billion.

According to reports, "At the end of the year, some $500 billion in tax breaks expire all at once, hitting American households with an average tax increase of $3,800 -- if Congress doesn't act. The potential increases include $165 billion more from taxpayers as a result of expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts, which would push taxes from a bottom rate of 10 percent and a top rate of 35 percent to a bottom rate of 15 percent and a top rate of 39.6 percent."

What does all of this mean? Well it could mean that for millions of Americans who have children their child tax credit will be lowered from $1,000 to $500, nearly half of what they would normally get. Economists stress that "Taxmageddon" will affect everyone and that there is no escaping the consequences if congress does not act. Until decisions are made there is no way for businesses to know exactly what their tax rates are going to be which will impact the job market and how businesses plan ahead for difficult times.

For this and other news please go to, or

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Not 'Gun' Shy, Not One Bit

Kate Middleton's sister Pipa wowed the world almost a year ago at her sisters nuptials to Prince William. Her sense of style and brilliant smile has lit up television screens and camera lenses while selling millions of magazines that provided her with the nickname "Her Royal Hotness". However, the Princess' sister and Lady in Waiting has nothing to smile about after a trip to Paris, France left her not just camera shy but gun shy.

Riding in the passenger seat of her escorts top down convertible heading to Eurostar, a train that would take her back to London, Pipa Middleton found herself in more trouble than she could handle. The driver then brandished what appeared to be gun directly at the media that had been following them around Paris. According to reports, "She [Pipa] was pictured riding as a passenger in a convertible Audi and laughing while the driver clearly aimed what looked like a semi-automatic pistol at a photographer behind the vehicle."

It is a felony in France to point a weapon and regardless if it was fake or a real semi-automatic the driver and his passengers are looking at jail time. 7 years if convicted. The country itself is on high security alert after a string of recent handgun murders in Toulouse. To read more about the party before the incident and Pipa Middleton please go to the link below or, or

Monday, April 16, 2012

Diminished Driver Skills & Seniors Driving

It is estimated that roughly 10,000 Americans reach the age of 65 per day. That being said we have all experienced a 'Sunday driver' at one point or time. It is being recommended that there be a limit set on elderly drivers and new standards for each state as far as license renewal is concerned.

Most states require drivers to come renew their license in person, while fourteen others allow drivers to renew their license via e-mail or traditional snail mail. According to reports "drivers ages 65 to 69 have the same fatal crash involvement rate as drivers in their 30s, and it is not until age 85 that older drivers overtake teenagers as the age group most likely to be involved in a fatal crash." Most of this is due to their diminished motor skills, lack of vision and slower reflexes. Many seniors once they reach a certain age decide not to drive at night.

Analysts suggest that while there is no real age to determine the inability of an elderly person to drive, because most will drive for several years safely past the age of 65, that a support system be in place to assist with their independence and mobility if a health issue rises. If limits are set however, seniors might see a change in their insurance coverage and policies.

To read more about this story please go to: or, or

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Patriot Hacker "The Rapture" makes Web Waves

Almost over night the name "Rapture" has become synonymous with a lone individual who is bent on destroying any cyberspace threat to the U.S. According to reports "The Rapture", "has a new flock of tech-savvy, eager veterans -- including another military grandpa -- ready to sign on to his campaign to disrupt the websites and online forums where Al Qaeda sympathizers congregate to push their hateful, anti-American propaganda."

The Patriot hacker claims to be a veteran, a grandfather and a parent of an active duty soldier has, despite death threats, kept his identity a secret and claims to have also taken down jihadists networks such as the Shamukh Islamic Network, Ansar al-Mujahideen and a handful of other virtual meeting places for suspected terrorists.

However the number of messages of support and even offers to assist him in taking down other websites is tremendous. To learn more about "The Rapture" and his mission you can read more at the following link: For other news please go to,, or

Murder in the 2nd Degree

It has been one of the most covered stories in the media over the last several weeks. Trayvon Martin, who was a unarmed teenager had an unexpected and deadly run-in with a neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman.

The death of the young man has raised questions from both his parents and police officials investigating the case. Zimmerman maintains that Trayvon attacked him and that in the struggle he shot and killed the teenager. A grainy security video released from the police does not indicate any injuries to Zimmerman personal however, enhanced video footage does seem to support Zimmerman's statement that Trayvon hit him in the back of the head.

According to reports, "One of the biggest hurdles to Zimmerman's arrest over the past month was Florida's "stand your ground" law, which gives people wide leeway to use deadly force without having to retreat in the face of danger. The lack of an arrest had sparked outrage and rallies for justice in the Orlando suburb and across the country."

Zimmerman maintains his innocence in the incident and has stated to police that it was an act of self defense. Zimmerman's father also claims that Trayvon had threatened to harm his son George and that he feared for his life. Trayvon's parents believe that the charges of 2nd Degree Murder in the case of their sons death is a start and will help them to heal from their loss.

For more about the charges in the Trayvon Martin case please go to:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Miraculous Discovery

When Analia Bougue and Fabian Veron, were given the upsetting news of their daughters passing after being born prematurely neither of them could have believed what was about to happen next.

The little girl Analia gave birth to was her fifth child, both parents were informed that she had passed away and were provided with a death certificate.

After which they made the decision to go to the morgue to see their daughter for a final time. However, when the parents arrived instead of seeing their child quietly and peacefully at rest they witnessed the baby move!

Veron told reporters during a press conference, "The baby was there and they put the little casket on a stretcher. We looked for a bar to pry it open. My wife looked and uncovered it slowly. She saw the little hand and then uncovered the face. That's when it let the first little cry out."

Analia and Fabian have named their daughter Luz Milagros which means "Miracle Light." The child's mother is planning to sue the hospital for medical malpractice. For this and other news please go to,, or

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Throwing In the Towel

Presidential Candidate and former Senator of Pennsylvania Rick Santorum announced this afternoon that he will be throwing in the towel on the race for the White House due in part to his daughters illness.

That leaves GOP hopeful Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Independent candidate Ron Paul left on ballots throughout the country. Santorum confirmed his decision via a personal telephone call to Romney.

With a little less than 30 days left until the May 8 Primary in which states like North Carolina will decide the GOP victor it appears Romney has a clear lead. But will Gingrich follow Santorum's lead or will he remain all-in until the end? For this and other news please go to, or

Need for Speed

When 13-year-old Jeremy Wuitschick took his usual bus to school Monday morning he was certainly not anticipating that he would have to drive it and his classmates to safety. The young man witnessed his bus driver becoming ill and told officials that, "He starts acting all funny. His eyes are bulging and he is twitching in his chair." Wuitschick took the wheel as quickly as he could and shouted for someone to call 9-1-1. Wuitschick stirred the bus to safety and with the aid of another classmate attempted CPR on the driver. Moments later a school official drove by and saw the bus on the side of the road and he too attempted CPR on the unconscious driver. The driver is currently in serious condition and receiving treatment at a nearby hospital. For this and more information please go to the following link below or, or

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Painter of Light: Kinkade Dies at 53

To many Thomas Kinkade's images are the very things seen on post cards, Christmas cards or Hallmark invitations. His paintings were filled with warmth, light and a glimmer of hope that expressed the very depth of how mankind remembered their childhood homes and the quaint little towns where they were raised.

Kinkade, at age 53, passed away April 7th. Kinkade's work, which was not often admired by other artists or collectors, has net the painter an estimated $100,000,000 each year. When interviewed at one time Kinkade said of his work, "with whatever talent and resources I have, I'm trying to bring light to penetrate the darkness many people feel," the very move most impressionists like Monet had so beautifully perfected.

Thomas Kinkade is survived by his wife and four daughters. For this and more news please go to or


When I was growing up I remember two things, first that the television was always on at night and second that it was because my father was watching 60 Minutes. The familiar ticking sound of the stop watch as the show aired had become a staple in most people's homes by the early to mid-1990s, but so had names such as Andy Rooney and Mike Wallace.

Mike Wallace, age 93 has reportedly passed away according to CBS. Wallace was legendary for not just the stories he told, the interviews he did but the voice he had. CBS Corp President and CEO Les Moonves stated that Mr. Wallaces', "extraordinary contribution as a broadcaster is immeasurable and he has been a force within the television industry throughout its existence. His loss will be felt by all of us at CBS."

In his 40 some years of being apart of 60 Minutes, the first news magazine for television, Wallace had interviewed numerous Presidents, first ladies, movie stars and singers. Fellow journalist and reporter Diane Sawyer of ABC said, "Mike's energy and nerve paced everyone at '60 Minutes."

To view the video tribute of Mike Wallace posted by CBS please go to the following link:

For other news please go to,, or

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Escaping a Killer

19-year-old Brian Douglas White was like every ordinary teenager, including the fact that he was heartbroken after his girlfriend, presently his ex, had moved on with another guy. But what White did next has left an entire neighborhood and community in shock.

According to news reports White entered his ex-girlfriends home on Wednesday and proceeded to kill her new boyfriend and then her mother with an axe. Afterwards White then shot himself. Meanwhile his girlfriend, whose name has not been released to reporters or news affiliates, managed to escape her home and call 9-1-1.

Close friends and neighbors of the 17-year-old girl say that she was very outgoing and compassionate, and that she was raised in a very loving environment. To read more please go to, or

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

"Pants on the Ground, Pants on the Ground!"

Do you remember that song? You know the one that made someone famous just a year or so ago on the hit television music series American Idol? Yeah, that's the one "Pants on the ground!" Well take it from the guy who sung about it, the great state of Tennessee is saying that in fact there will be no more "pants on the ground" or belt-less individuals roaming their streets.

According to reports Tennessee's State Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill to outlaw saggy bottoms on teenagers, young adults and pretty much everyone who has decided it's a fashion statement rather than a blemish to their character.

The fine for not obeying the fashion law? A whopping $250.00 and community service. One individual who was not too particuarlly pleased with the passage of the bill stated, ""Just grown ups making more rules, gonna break em' anyway." To read more about the new law go to:

Monday, April 02, 2012

"No You Didn't!"

This is just not President Obama or the Democratic Party's week in terms of the past or upcoming elections. Four Indiana Democrats have been charged with election fraud as they were reportedly discovered having faked signatures and names on Presidential Primary petitions.

According to reports "Among those charged is the former long-time chairman of the St. Joseph County Democratic Party, Butch Morgan, who allegedly ordered the forgeries. He was forced to resign when the allegations were first made public last October, even though his lawyer, Shaw Friedman, told Fox News at the time that Morgan did not do anything wrong."

An affidavit from St. Joseph County Voter Registration Office worker Lucas Burkett shows that he admitted to being involved with the plan to forge the signatures on the presidential candidate petitions despite the need to have actual signatures from actual citizens on such documents.

There is no doubt that voter fraud occurs in almost every nation that allows its citizens to vote. However, in the United States we should each have enough respect for the offices of President, Senator, Representative, or any local offices being voted for to be HONEST. Certainly for several residents of South Bend, Indiana the use of their names, when not signed by their own hand, was to quote one individual "scary." To learn more go to: For other news please go to, or

One Big Headache

When news broke of a top re-election campaign donor to President Obama being accused of defrauding a businessman and impersonating a bank official, the President and his staff found themselves with one big headache.

According to news reports: "The New York donor, Abake Assongba, and her husband contributed more than $50,000 to Obama's re-election effort this year, federal records show. But Assongba is also fending off a civil court case in Florida, where she's accused of thieving more than $650,000 to help build a multimillion-dollar home in the state -- a charge her husband denies."

The Obama camp has declined to comment on whether or not they will be proceeding with an investigation or if the money Assongba donated will be refunded. Amidst the suspected campaign fraud Assongba is facing other charges in the state of Florida for reportedly engaging a Swiss businessman named Klaus-Werner Pusch in an e-mail scam. Assognba's husband claims the allegations against his wife are untrue.

For this and other news please go to, or or to read more about this case click on: