Monday, April 02, 2012

"No You Didn't!"

This is just not President Obama or the Democratic Party's week in terms of the past or upcoming elections. Four Indiana Democrats have been charged with election fraud as they were reportedly discovered having faked signatures and names on Presidential Primary petitions.

According to reports "Among those charged is the former long-time chairman of the St. Joseph County Democratic Party, Butch Morgan, who allegedly ordered the forgeries. He was forced to resign when the allegations were first made public last October, even though his lawyer, Shaw Friedman, told Fox News at the time that Morgan did not do anything wrong."

An affidavit from St. Joseph County Voter Registration Office worker Lucas Burkett shows that he admitted to being involved with the plan to forge the signatures on the presidential candidate petitions despite the need to have actual signatures from actual citizens on such documents.

There is no doubt that voter fraud occurs in almost every nation that allows its citizens to vote. However, in the United States we should each have enough respect for the offices of President, Senator, Representative, or any local offices being voted for to be HONEST. Certainly for several residents of South Bend, Indiana the use of their names, when not signed by their own hand, was to quote one individual "scary." To learn more go to: For other news please go to, or

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