Thursday, April 12, 2012

Patriot Hacker "The Rapture" makes Web Waves

Almost over night the name "Rapture" has become synonymous with a lone individual who is bent on destroying any cyberspace threat to the U.S. According to reports "The Rapture", "has a new flock of tech-savvy, eager veterans -- including another military grandpa -- ready to sign on to his campaign to disrupt the websites and online forums where Al Qaeda sympathizers congregate to push their hateful, anti-American propaganda."

The Patriot hacker claims to be a veteran, a grandfather and a parent of an active duty soldier has, despite death threats, kept his identity a secret and claims to have also taken down jihadists networks such as the Shamukh Islamic Network, Ansar al-Mujahideen and a handful of other virtual meeting places for suspected terrorists.

However the number of messages of support and even offers to assist him in taking down other websites is tremendous. To learn more about "The Rapture" and his mission you can read more at the following link: For other news please go to,, or

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